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Bye Bye January


Great sneaker, but at $149.00 it didn't come home with me even after
No Spending January ended.

I have no regrets about bidding farewell to January. It was really cold, it was really snowy and there wasn't enough sunshine for my taste. But nonetheless, it was still a productive month and there were some definite good moments among the short days and the snow.

I had five (yes, five!) projects going on in January and that doesn't count keeping Buttercupland going. I've got updates on four of them and will do an update on my January reading in the next few days. 

No-Spending January: I wasn't as successful as I've been in past years, but still cut my spending significantly. I spent $22.69 on "things." I bought two pairs of black leggings, which averted upcoming wardrobe issues and $6.75 for soap for a gift. I could have waited to buy the soap, but I took advantage of a great sale. I have no regrets on any of my purchases and know I'm beginning February in a more thoughtful spending place. Yesterday I stopped at the neighborhood shoe store where I found the fabulous purple sneakers. I decided that if they fit I would consider buying them. Upon investigation, I found they wouldn't accommodate my orthotics and they cost $149.00, which is out of my budget in any month. 

My Journey of 1,000 Miles: My goal is to walk 84 (or more) miles a month and my total for January is 81.6 miles. I've got no regrets considering how cold and snowy it was. Today is sunny and relatively warm and I'm planning on walking at least three miles today. 

Decluttering: I joined a "30 Bags in 30 Day Challenge" and I completed discarding 22 bags. One of my first activities yesterday was donating a bag of books to Goodwill and my goal is to donate another bag in February. My decluttering goal for February is more focused. I'm going to work on paper shredding (which seems endless!), my bedroom dresser and kitchen excess. I seem to have a lot of lids and storage containers that don't seem to match. I'd like that to be history in March. 

My fourth project has been physical therapy. I've had a great therapist and as of next week I'm "graduating" to a once a week appointment. I doubt if this will be the last time I go to physical therapy, but I'm hoping that it's the last time in 2022.    

Though I've formally ended No Spending January, I've got a new money project for February and I'll share that in a post tomorrow. I'll also post later in the week about my January reading. Does anyone else have reading challenges for the year?

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.  


Sandi said...

149.00? What. Why. What. How? Have I been living under a rock or something?

Martha said...

Sounds like a good month overall. Here's to hoping February starts warming up a bit. If I know you, you'll make up those few missed miles in no time. :)

Deb J. in Utah said...

I enjoyed reading about your January. Yes, I will look forward to your post about what you have been reading. Good job with you money and your decluttering. Yes, those are super cute purple sneakers, but $149 would be way over my budget too. Glad you are making progress with your physical therapy. Hope the rest of the week is good for you.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm glad you found some positive things for the month of January. Sounds like you are doing very well. Here it's looking like another snowy and cold month coming our way. I'm so tired of it and have little motivation to do a lot, but have thought about early Spring cleaning.

Edna B said...

Those purple sneakers are not in my budget either. I hope you meet your challenge goal of walking three miles a day. If I could, I'd do it too. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Mevely317 said...

Silly to get so worked up about our faux Tupperware and hodgepodge of lids -- but they liked to drive me batty. My impulse decision to replace most with Pyrex wasn't inexpensive, but man they make me happy. Simple pleasures!

LC said...

I admire your organized and creative approach to thoughtful living, I'm especially impressed with your determination to hit your mileage goals.

Mine are much smaller and often limited to making circuits in our 1,400 sq. ft. home. But my current target is to hit above a mile a day. With multiple meetings, I only made 1 mile yesterday, but today you have given me renewed determination to get moving. Thanks!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for all the updates, Carol, and your January spending did not sound excessive at all. First, you bought things on sale that will be useful and secondly, you bought a gift for someone. I agree that the sneaker cost was excessive, but then I have spent over $100 for New Balance sneakers because this is the only brand that I can wear comfortably and would accomodate the orthotics I formerly used. The purple ones you posted about seemed more glam than function and good move to pass on them. This year, I am trying to bet my reading totals from 2021 which was about 60 books.