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It's (Past) Time to Light Thirteen Candles

Because Buttercupland is now a teenage blog!

On a cold January night in 2009 I decided the thing to do was to start a blog. I'm not exactly sure why that particular moment I sat at the computer, found Blogger and just started writing. My blogging skills were virtually non-existent, but I asked a lot of people a lot of questions and thirteen years later Buttercupland has become a teenage blog. 

These were my thoughts on Monday, January 12, 2009:

This year...the end of 2008 was a tough time. But it's a new year and I'm cultivating a new attitude. Instead of looking in the mirror and seeing someone -- me -- and thinking "Who is that tired, chubby, old looking woman?" I'm going to take on a buttercup attitude and attempt to see myself and the world in a happier and more upbeat way.

Don't know how long it will last or how much I will actually blog, but tonight is the first night of Buttercup counting her blessings.

I posted seven times in January 2009, added three (not very good) photographs and received seven comments. Buttercupland wasn't a resounding success, but it was enough reinforcement to keep going and so I did. Through hurricanes, a pandemic and three surgeries, I'm happily still blogging, and very grateful for the opportunity.  Thanks to all who stop by, who comment and who have become friends beyond the world of Buttercupland. 

One of my friends is Jill Lynn a wonderfully talented writer I met via Instagram. She graciously shared three of her novels (autographed!) and I am a very fortunate reader. Her books are part of the Love Inspired series of inspirational romances. Our blogaversary giveaway this year are two of Jill's books to two Buttercupland friends. Because we all need a little romance and a little (or a lot of) inspiration these days. It's easy-peasey to enter. Just leave a comment and follow Buttercupland and you're in it to win it.  An extra entry if you follow Jill on Instagram and let me know. The last time to enter is Saturday, February 5 at 11:59 and I'll let the lucky winners know on Sunday. If you're a "Grammer" and I know lots of the Buttercupland buddies are, you'll like Jill's posts.  

Tomorrow is an update on my January goals: mileage, decluttering and reading. I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to, but came close. I'm cultivating an attitude of "Progress, not perfection," and I'm happy for the progress. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and thank you all for your friendship. 


Brenda said...

Granddaughter moved to Brooklyn Jan 1…we love NYC
Love your blog

Nellie said...

Happy birthday to Buttercup Counts her Blessings! Amazing success!

Anonymous said...

Always look forward to reading your posts - thank you!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy bloggerversary! Congrats on continuing with your blog. Light your candles and celebrate !

Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy Blogiversary! I am glad you are here in Buttercup land. I sure enjoy your blog and your upbeat attitude. Happy Blogging Birthday. I'm off to follow Jill Lynn on Instagram! See you again soon!

Theresa said...

Congrats on your 13th Bloggerversary:) I also started blogging in 2009. I hope to have many more years of blogging for both of us. I don't blog as often as I used to, life gets in the way but I still like to stay in touch with my BLOG friends! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Carol said...

Congrats on making it thirteen years. I truly am not aware how long I have been blogging and I don't know that mine is successful, but I enjoy it and I enjoy buttercupland!

Catherine Drake said...

Thirteen years! Woo Hoo!