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My Last Lamp Post

I was tempted, but I resisted

Somehow we're into the second week of January. I've walked 26+ miles, gone to the gym, a Pilates class and spent $58.15 for a new lamp and light bulb. The light bulb is supposed to last three years. I'm still deleting sale emails and walking on by stores, and the temptation to recreationally look/shop has decreased considerably. I was greatly tempted walking by one of my favorite neighborhood stores -- 50% off -- and there's always a present or two to buy, but since it's No Spending January, I just took a few pictures and walked on by. 

I appreciate the comments about the necessity of light and I agree. With that in mind, I have made no purchases that go against my No Spending "rules." I've put the lamp together and it's great to have more light in my apartment.   

I always find the beginning of January a let down after the holiday festivities. For the last decade, 2021 and 2022 excepted, I've had a trip planned. It's been great to have somewhere warm to visit in the middle of winter. But this year my first trip away is in March and I'm home all of January and February. I'm going to focus on blogging,  reading and keeping up with my walking. I've also found a decluttering workshop I've signed up for later this month, and that will be a project for the January and February. Do you have any special plans for the winter, either travel plans or at home?

As ever, thanks for visiting. Keep cozy, friends!    


Laurie said...

I am confident you'll find plenty to do during the next two months.

As for me, I want to continue with my current lifestyle changes (are they still changes if I've been doing them for 5 months now?): healthy eating, going to the gym 3 times a week (up from twice a week), reading, cooking healthy meals for my family. I have no plans beyond that at this point. The beauty of retirement; I can wake up any day and decide to do something or go someplace I hadn't planned.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My winter project is to get ready to move. I have a lot to clear out and give away. I don't spend my money getting new things as I can only take a couple of suitcases with me with the clothes I'll need to wear. Everything else has to go. Thankfully I do have a son that lives close by to help me out. It's something I never expected to happen again in my life time. It is going to be like starting all over again. Good luck to you. You've done a good job so far!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Good to read that the new lamp has already proven useful, Carol, and perhaps you will show a photo in a future post. I know what you mean about seeing sales and post holiday markdowns. Thankfully, I do not like to shop, but have been known not to pass up a good thrift store bargain and even when buying something there have saved money.

We haven't set any long trip 2024 travel plans and like yourself will be going away in March, but staying within New England. Like yourself, I am also focusing on blog posting, not as often as daily but 2-3X weekly and reading other blogs and commenting at least 1-2X weekly. I'm going to the in-house gym almost daily and trying to maintain as close to a 10,000/day step regime as possible even though I know even half daily is quite acceptable. Weather permitting I prefer to walk outdoors, but when it's not good there are very long hallways in the mill apartments. Reading is always a yearly focus with a combination of audio books, e-books and library books and 1 of each at all times.

Traveling Suitcase said...

Congrats on walking by the shops. It's a good idea to stop and take a photograph, sorta more incentive I think to share with us. We're wintering away, though thus far the weather has only been slightly warmer than at home. That should change though. I did a bit of de-cluttering at home before we left; not enough.......but you have to start somewhere. Good luck with your projects.

LC said...

I admire your determination to have exercise and spending plan and sticking to it.

I am determined to make enough circuits with my rollator in our small house to make over a mile.

I hope to start back on the paved beach walk when temperatures, weather and Hubby and I are not scheduled for doctors' appointments. LC

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Carol. I really admire your "no-spend" January rule. I need to adopt that. I need to post my walking on your Facebook page, although I really haven't been doing that much walking this past week due to the snow. I've been working out on equipment I have in my house. Hopefully, we won't have as much snow this coming week and we can get back to walk the track at the rec center. Have a good week. See you again soon!