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We're Having a Pink Saturday Tea Party


To quote the White Rabbit: "We're (almost) late for a very important date, Pink Saturday.

First, a mea culpa for being too late for last week's Pink Saturday. I'd downloaded all of the photos -- we were going back to Breckenridge -- and got sidetracked with something I can't even remember and when I went to post, I was too late. I'm not letting that happen this week. I've chosen three teapots and one "punchy," pictured above. 

Punch was a favorite beverage in the eighteenth century, both at home and at taverns. It wasn't the sweet, sweet punch we knew growing up, but a spicy and sweet alcoholic mix. Punch pots are bigger than tea pots and the vines on this one show that wine was sometimes part of the mix. 

This eighteenth century Staffordshire teapot could have been made last week. The design reflects the fossils found in the area's limestone layers. 

I've always liked blue and white china and this is one of the loveliest sets I've seen. 

I try to include something pink in every Pink Saturday post and this 
is my choice for this week. 

I had a wonderful visit to the Metropolitan Museum last week and I enjoyed (another) visit to the British Gallery, where I found all of these treasures. For my virtual tea party I'm choosing the blue and white china. I'm going to have a white tablecloth and napkins and yellow roses. I'll serve tea, miniature croissants and miniature Danish pastries, the latter were favorites of my mother for receptions. Which teapot would you choose?

I am totally amazed that this year is just about half over and the Fourth of July is only a week away. This afternoon I was asked about my plans for the Fourth and my first thought was, "Isn't that weeks away?" I think I need to start paying more attention to the calendar.   

As ever, thanks for visiting, have a great week and please stop by our Summer Reading Giveaway. 


Iris Flavia said...

I´m clumsy, I would better not choose any! You would not want to invite me, I´ve broken so much by accident already - and they´re all so beautiful!
Really beautiful. So arty and clever.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello. Yes, I like the blue and white set too. Yes, July 4 is creeping up on me too. It's next weekend! It was singing the patriotic hymns at church that jarred me into realizing that! Hope you week was good and that you have a Happy Indepence Day!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love tea parties and a pot of good tea. Time is flying and hard tolieve the 4th is just around the corner. I'm having a hard time keeping up. I like your selection for pink Saturday, the pink teapot best. Hope you have a great week ahead !

Tristan Robin said...

GORGEOUS teapots and services! Hands down, I choose the Staffordshire ... it's hard to believe it's from the 1700s - it looks like a mash up between Art Deco and African mud cloth prints! Simply amazing.

I don't drink tea unless it's the only thing offered ... and then with LOTS of sugar 😂. For somebody with a cast-iron stomach who can consume gallons of espresso, day old pepperoni and anchovy pizza, and buckets of French onion soup, tea upsets my stomach something dreadful. I think my mother was frightened by an early tea bag when she was pregnant with me.

Are these in the London British Museum or the British wing of the Metropolitan in NYC? Have you been to the Victorian & Albert Museum in London? They also have an AMAZING teapot collection!

Thanks so much for visiting Enchanted Revelries. I know I've been dreadfully neglectful. I have about 8 reviews that need to be posted. I don't know why I haven't done it - it's not like I have a life or anything 🥴🤪

Stay cool and hydrated!

Karen said...

I would choose the last one, your nod to pink. Such a pretty pot with the little legs. I refuse to think of the 4th as summer half over. It stays hot here well into September, so without the start of school in my life, we have a ways to go. But, yes the year is flying by.

GrammaH said...

Blue has always been a favorite color of mine, so I'd go with that one...but the pink tea pot is gorgeous! June has flown by, for sure. Blessings!

Curtains in My Tree said...

How very wonderful you got to visit The Metropolitan Museum.
I so enjoyed my visits there when in new York City
Of Course I would choose the blue white teapot for your virtual tea party
We must have cucumber sandwiches and scones also


Louca por porcelana said...

WOW!They all are amazing!Greetings!