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Monkey Monday: Help Pep Get a Warranty

 This is a Public Service Announcement from the Buttercupland Department of Monkey Business

This car needs a warranty!

To no one's surprise, Pep's shiny red convertible didn't come with a warranty when it was purchased last year. None was offered on whichever site I bought it on, but the price was very right and it looked in good condition and you know the rest of the story, buyer beware.

It's not even a year and there a few little dings and dents and who knows what's going on with the chassis. Pep could really use a warranty to help keep the convertible in tip-top shape, but so far has had no luck getting one. 

Pep needs your help! When you get one of these pesky car warranty calls -- how many times a day??? -- just transfer the call to Pep. He has lots of time and loves to chat about car warranties. It will just take you a minute and will make your favorite monkey very happy. His number is 1-800-PEP-STER. After a few moments on the phone with Pep, your warranty calls will be over, and Pep may just get his warranty.   

A big thanks from Pep and from me. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cool!


Edna B said...

Wishing you lots of luck Pep! You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

GrammaH said...

Before we moved from WA State, we used to get the car warranty calls frequently on our old lineline. Later the Windows "your computer is having issues" calls took over. I hope Pep is able to get the roadster all tuned up! Blessings!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I get a lot of those calls, so I will be forwarding them on to Pep. :-)

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Will be forwarding my calls too!

Tristan Robin said...

I fear you may have to put in an extra line if I forward my calls to Pep ... I get about six a day - EVERY day!

You are too funny.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What cute monkey business. Hope you have a lovely day. Hot here in Ohio, but I'm keeping cool in the a/c.

Melinda said...

So cute and funny.
When we get one, it will be sent right to Pep.

M : )

DeniseinVA said...

This had me smiling all the way through. Great post!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It's been quite a while since we've received any of those pesky calls. Maybe they figured out that 2004 and 2007 vehicles no longer need any extended warranty having lasted this long. Hope that Pep finds a solution.


Pep I'm on it. Will do.