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Coming Soon to the Metropolitan Museum of Art


    It's almost time for my favorite tree of the season

We've had a tradition in Buttercupland that December holiday posts begin after Thanksgiving. Generally, my first post of the season goes up the day after Thanksgiving, and I've stuck to the tradition through the years. But I was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art yesterday for a wonderful lecture on Italian Renaissance painting and as I strolled through the museum I came upon this sight. I was delighted to see the Museum Christmas tree set up and waiting to be reintroduced. The sight inspired me to bring a some holiday joy a little early. 

The first Christmas trees  -- I saw -- for sale on the streets of New York

I was very tempted to start the holiday posts with the photograph above. Last Friday I was walking on Broadway and there was the first of, what over the weekend, became many Christmas tree stands. In the last few days they seem to be everywhere throughout the neighborhood. My memory is coming home on Thanksgiving night and seeing the first stand shining with lights in the dark. It was always one of my favorite moments of the season. This year didn't go quite like that, but it was still a very happy moment. 

My new friends!

On Saturday on my way to the library I found this group of new friends and yes, they are next to a Christmas tree stand. I love snowmen -- my collection will come out over the weekend -- and I 'm very tempted to add one of these cuties to the group. I really don't have room for one more decoration, so I'm holding back as long as I can. I was given one new snowman earlier this year, so I don't really need another one. But as we know, need has very little/nothing to do with items that catch one's heart. 

Here's to the first of many Christmas in New York posts. It wouldn't be December in Buttercupland without them. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.


Deanna Rabe said...

I've been tempted all month to decorate for Christmas but I've held out for our traditional day after Thanksgiving decorating! Those are cute snowmen! What will you name it?

Jeanie said...

I usually wait till after TG too, and probably this year will simply because I'm overwhelmed with life's complications. And yet, if I can even pull out one strand of lights and a few cheery decorations today or tomorrow, I'm in. I love those tree lots -- we don't see many here anymore. Our favorite closed after Covid. I love the snowmen -- didn't know you collected. I understand not needing "one more thing," but sometimes they just present themselves! I'd love to see the museum. It's been a rough month -- a note later but thank you so much for brightening my day yesterday (you know what I mean!). Big smiles. I love mail!

Lynda said...

Thanksgiving is late this year so you are really only a couple days early for a holiday post. Also, it has been cold enough to feel like Christmas some days. It's okay if you add one more thing because you have done well in decluttering/donating/etc each year. If it makes you smile, it is fine and actually is good for our health according to something I read this year. The article said even a fake smile helps our health!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Best wishes to you, Carol, for a wonderful Thanksgiving day and thank you for your interesting posts throughout the year I always enjoy reading of your travels to far off places and within NYC. I too have a small collection of snowmen so know what you mean about trying to resist but those wood ones looked tempting. BTW, my post today is all about spam and the preceding post shows you have been hit as well, SO annoying!