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The Blogometer Turns

 Not quite buttercups, but close

This is not the post I intended to write -- a recap of my visit to Maine -- but it's the post that's right post for the day.  When I looked at the blog statistics I noticed the total number of views for Buttercupland ever. It was somewhere in the 980,000 range when I last noticed it several weeks ago. A few minutes ago, I saw that the blogometer (my own word) had turned. It's a moment not unlike when the odometer turns in the car. Nothing really changes, but it's a milestone and one that we'll commemorate today. 

My little blog, that's never had more than 560 followers (and less these days), has passed the million views mark. There have been 1,001,724 views over the last fifteen plus years. Yes, a good number of those views have been mine, but the vast majority were people who took the time to visit. In 2009 -- doesn't that seem long ago? -- I didn't dream that Buttercupland would still be trotting along and it would be an important piece of my life. Of course, I really had no idea what my life/the world would look like fifteen years after 2009. 

It's a good lesson for me. I can't predict the future, but I can put activities and plans in place that will carry me forward as the years go by. I'm beginning to think about what the next phase of (my) life may look like and thinking about what I'd like it to look like. When I was thinking about retiring from my transit career, I thought about what I wanted to devote the next part of my life to and what I needed to do. I realized that blogging was something I enjoyed very much and began to attend blog conferences and took online classes to become more proficient. My thoughts are very much in the early stage, but it's time for some contemplation. Is anyone else thinking about the "next" phase?

I didn't do a birthday post this year. However, belatedly, this is my birthday post, where I look back at the past and look ahead to the future. Next year is a "big" birthday and I'm looking forward to making up for the last big birthday that Covid pushed into the background. 

Maine was lovely and the wedding that drew me there was beautiful. It was a wonderful week, with lots of time with friends, hugs, laughter and fabulous food. I'm back in New York with sweet memories and lots of photographs. What a perfect end to summer.

As ever, thanks for visiting and have a great weekend. 


Lynda said...

Life is truly passing quicker than it used to be. I think you are smart to contemplate the future with possibly setting some goals to accomplish. Thank you again for blogging. I LOVE reading it!

Buttercup said...

Life is flying by and the next four months will go speeding by. Thank you for being part of the Buttercupland community and thanks for your friendship.

Jeanie said...

Congratulations! I remember that feeling of shock/elation and it's a good one (even though, like you, I know a lot of those are me or bots!). It's the friendships and connections we've all made during our blog life that make it so special. Three cheers. I'm glad you've kept at it!

Mevely317 said...

Way to go!
I love your reflections, and look forward to sharing this long and winding road to see where it leads us.

Chatty Crone said...

I know exactly what you are saying. I too wonder what the next part of life will be like. Happy belated birthday.

Marcia said...

I've not looked at that statistic for my blog. I doubt I have anything close to your number of views. I have contemplated quitting blogging countless times then I think of something I want to shareso I continue though sporadically. Can't seem to manage the daily output other bloggers generate.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My life took a completely different turn this year. We just never know what might be coming our way. I blog every day in order to keep in touch with family and friends. I'd like to wish you a very safe and Happy Labor Day!

Little Wandering Wren said...

I'm glad I met you through Blogland and into real life, (Our photo and a link to your blog is still on my all time most popular blog post on the NYAC!) congratulations on all your milestones!

Deb J. in Utah said...

A million views! Good for you. I think your blog is one of the most interesting out there. Glad you enjoy blogging and plan to continue. It's great that you had a nice trip to Maine. I have always wanted to visit Maine. It's a beautiful state! Happy Labor Day and enjoy the week ahead!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Wow! I'm so happy for you! You've sure brought a lot of fun into my blog viewing with your trips and book reviews. And walking around NYC! Well done! Hugs, Diane

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow! Big congratulations to you.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Like yourself, Carol, I enjoy blogging and, as I have stated before, it is my only form of online social activity. It has given me the chance to meet so many wonderful people, mostly online, bur several face-to-face. Fellow bloggers have truly become friends. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures in and around NYC, abroad and elsewhere. Nice to read that you had a wonderful time in a neighboring New England state. Congrats on the 1 million mark and that reminds me to check my own statistics as I am also a long timer. As for the future, I have never seriously considered not blogging and may add another blog just for my photo interest. I hope your plans are to continue as well and maybe one day in the near future we will also meet as I would enjoy a visit to NYC. My husband would not so it would be a solo trip, which would be ok.