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The Herd Is Here


And we're so happy!

The Great Elephant Migration has arrived in New York City and of course, Buttercupland was represented in its opening weekend. Pep and I joined my friend, Mary, on a beautiful almost autumn afternoon in the Meatpacking District. Once the site of the wholesale meat market for New York City it has become a very upscale and lively neighborhood. 

The Great Migration came to New York from Newport, RI and will move on to Miami in December. Until October 20 a hundred life-sized elephants are visiting the streets of New York. The welcome was warm and crowded and the mood was festive. Our elephant visitors carry with them the lesson of co-existence and provides information on ways to help support our elephant friends around the world. 

The elephants are co-existing in the middle of a very busy commercial neighborhood. 

The elephants are handmade in India by indigenous artists from dried lantana camara, a toxic invasive shrub, which has been invading and destroying animal habitats in India. Here it has been put to good use.  

Pep loved his visit with the elephants

It was a wonderful day. If the Great Migration is coming your way -- Miami in December and stops west in 2025, I strongly suggest that you make time in your calendar to visit with this fabulous group. I'm planning another trip to see the herd before they migrate on to Miami. 

I'm catching up on chores and errands that were waiting for me since my trip to Maine. I'm going to a seminar on preventing falls tomorrow and the usual gym, bank, pharmacy errands in the next few days. I'm also getting ready for another adventure, long planned and finally here. I'll be blogging about it before I leave on Saturday. It's a busy autumn, but all good and no complaints. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.  


Lynda said...

Thank you for telling us what they used to build them. What is it with invasive vines?!!! They are so frustrating. I am glad someone found a good use for them. The artists did a phenomenal job of creating these. They look so lifelike and very beautiful.

Chatty Crone said...

That was cool wonder if they will come to GA?

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

When you said herd, I thought of cows not elephants. What a wonderful display to see. You do keep very busy and always have a lot to see. I do enjoy your posts.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow, those elephants are so cool! Sounds like you are having a good September. A class to learn how NOT to fall sounds like a great idea! I need to find something like that. Great post. See you again soon!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We were fortunate enough to see part of the elephant herd when visiting Newport, RI, in July. The sculptures are as amazing close-up as in your posted photos.