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What's the Mystery with Cottage Cheese?


My new favorite food -- really!

I started this post a few days and then I seconded guessed finishing it. Is this an odd topic? Am I off on an tangent? Does anyone else care about cottage cheese? So I let it "simmer" and thought about writing a different post. This would become one more of many draft posts. But fate was with this topic. I found this article in my email in Time Magazine, "What's So Great About Cottage Cheese?" I then realized this post was meant to be. Below is the start of my original post and then some. 

I know some people will say the mystery of cottage cheese is that people like it and eat it. But that's not the mystery I'm referring to. My mystery is that it's hard to find cottage cheese in Manhattan. Why, oh why?

My theory is that people have caught on to cottage cheese, just as I've done in the last three months. I ate cottage cheese growing up and I ate it when I first got to New York in the 1970's, but after that I never gave cottage cheese a second look, until May when I began to see a nutritionist. The recommendation was to eat more protein, and I looked to find a way that I liked and wasn't expensive. I already ate eggs and yogurt and decided that I'd add cottage cheese to the mix. Guess what? I really liked it. 

I didn't realize that I was part of a trend/fad, but here I am. Just about every day one meal is cottage cheese and berries, or in this season of fabulous peaches, a peach. But I know  without some variation, I will not find cottage cheese very attractive in the months to come. I was delighted to see the ideas and recipes in the Time article and will definitely be trying some of them. Is anyone else a cottage cheese fan?

The summer has totally flown by and I'm now off for my last adventure of the summer. I'm returning to my beloved New England, specifically to Maine. I'm looking forward to, what I know will be, a beautiful wedding of two of my favorite people, and then a visit with the groom's mother. The wedding weekend will be filled with laughter, good conversation and lots of hugs and activity. The days following will also be filled with laughter, good conversation, some hugs, but a lot less activity. There will be walks on country roads, ice cream and best of all, time spent watching the water. Balm for the soul!

I look forward to posting from Maine. There will be so many beautiful pictures to share. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest/best of summer.   



Joy said...

I love cottage cheese, have always used it as dip for my potato chips and when I want a little more flavor add in 2T. spicy brown mustard, 1 T. Worcestershire sauce, and a couple of cans of drained minc d clams and yum!

Terra said...

I had no idea cottage cheese has become a fad, but I have been enjoying a treat of pineapple cottage cheese. It comes with some pineapple in it. Delicious for lunch. We have no shortage of cottage cheese out here on the Left Coast. I know you will enjoy your visit to Maine and the wedding.

Amy said...

Cottage Cheese with cherry tomatoes and salt and pepper or more recently some Everything Seasoning is wonderful. I also enjoy it with a little crushed pineapple or mandarin oranges.

Chatty Crone said...

I heard or a recipe where you take a little scoop of cottage cheese - put some everything spice on it - bake is for about 30 minutes and it comes out as a cracker. I am going to try it.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I do love cottage cheese and often mix in some blueberries or pineapple. If I don't have fresh fruit, I'll top it with applesauce and cinnamon. My grandmother used to make her own cottage cheese and it was delicious. When you have plenty of fresh milk on hand, you find a lot of ways to use it up. I love how you put the rest and the best of summer. I am one who hates to see it go. Have fun on your vacation to Maine!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Never knew there was a shortage of cottage cheese in some places, Carol, and you have reminded me to add it to our weekly shopping list. Nice to read that you will be here in New England and in a neighboring state to NH. It sounds like you will have a wonderful visit with a wedding included.

Anonymous said...

I also like to dice green olives and an onion in a carton of cottage cheese. My grandmother made this too.