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A Few Days in the Life of Buttercup


Yesterday's Sunset over the Hudson River

I've been writing about special days and vacations, but I decided just to catch up on a few regular days around the neighborhood. Because after all that's the majority of (my) life. Not pictured are a medical appointment, Zooms, endless hours of the Olympics and two visits to the gym. 

I love walking around the neighborhood and blissfully the heat has eased up for the last few days. I've gotten in some great walking and a visit to one of local independent bookstores. I know how fortunate I am to have three bookstores in easy walking distance and rarely miss an opportunity to stop in and browse book titles. 

So enjoy browsing at Shakespeare & Co and having a coffee in their cute cafe

Next fall at Lincoln Center

I live just about a mile from Lincoln Center and walk past it at least twice a week. I enjoy seeing what's playing now/coming in the next season. I especially like the theater and dance offerings and the New York City Ballet's Coppelia next season caught my eye. 

I've also spent time sharpening my photo editing skills. I've got a lot to learn, but I'm learning. I'm working through a lesson plan friends have put together and I'm happy to report that I've completed the first beginner lesson. My goal is to do videos. It's a long road for someone who was raised with an instamatic camera, but I'm working on it. 

Pep and Baby Buttercup birthday greetings

We had two comments for the Paris magnet giveaway and I'll be sending them to Jeanie and to Jan H. Jan, please email me and I can get your mailing information. So glad to share these memories of Paris. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and have a great week. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Carol! I love to browse book stores too. It's great that your temperatures have cooled down. That makes walking outdoors much more enjoyable. Good job on the photo editing. Nice job on the photo editing. It's always nice to develop a new skill! It's always good to see what you are up to! I hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol! I feel I was on the walk with you! Thank you for carrying me along😀. McNeal, starring Robert Downey Jr, looks intriguing.

Mevely317 said...

How I used to love spending time in indy bookstores! Unfortunately, Amazon can't replicate the wonderful 'aroma' of hard-bound books.
Adorable photo edit!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Carol, for the Paris magnet. I look forward to receiving it. I just subscribed to your blog with my email address as I wasn't able to locate your email address. Thanks, Jan H

Jeanie said...

I love Pep and Baby Buttercup (nice editing!) and since I'm seeing it on my birthday (well, day after) I will imagine it is for me! I feel very lucky to receive one of your Paris magnets. Thank you!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Belated Happy 🎂🎉 Birthday go to you both, Carol. How wonderful that you live so close to Lincoln Center. Do you plan to attend any of those future performances? I need to learn more about the photo editing program on my PC and wondered which one(s) you were learning.

Lynda said...

I like your birthday pic of you and Pep. Also I am very proud of you continuing to learn new things but I am not surprised! You encourage us with that kind of news. My husband and I just signed up for the fall semester at Lee University for two mini classes that are offered to ages sixty and over. It is called the Encore program. It is only $25 for two classes that last 4-8 weeks depending on the class. We have done this before but missed last semester due to some health issues. With the student ID, you get free admission to Presidential series of concerts and athletic events. Win win!

Legit EA FC 25 Coins said...

Your neighborhood sounds so charming and full of life! I love how you capture the beauty in everyday moments. Enjoy your walks and happy reading at the local bookstores!