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Happy Birthday, Hello Kitty!

Happy 50th birthday, Hello Kitty!

Last week, on one of the hot, hot days, I took a quick refuge at Nordstrom's and discovered the celebration of Hello Kitty's 50th anniversary. I've never been a particular fan of Hello Kitty, but I enjoyed the bright colors and graphics that made up the display. Any Hello Kitty fans in Buttercupland? 

It's been a tumultuous week or so and I know there are some who might question the frivolity of a post saluting a character. But that's the nature of Buttercupland. There are a million -- literally -- sites to find every range of comments on politics, but not so many that look for upbeat topics. When I first started blogging I thought about providing my thoughts on politics, but decided that wasn't what I wanted to write about. The World Financial Crisis was going strong and it seemed sad stories were everywhere, including at my workplace. Buttercupland was going to be upbeat and that's still the tone. No smoking and no politics and all are welcome!

I'm still thinking about my birthday post -- yes I've been thinking for quite some time -- and there's a giveaway coming, too. I've returned to decluttering and despite the heat, I've kept up my walking with sixty plus miles for July so far. What's been on your schedule, or as Hello Kitty says, "Do tell me. How are you today?"

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cool!



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Carol! Happy birthday to Hello Kitty! Who would have guessed that the famous kitty was that old! Yes, it has been quite a week for our nation. I am praying that all works out so that we retain our Democracy and its promise of "freedom and justice for all." Have a good week!

Therasia Fraire said...
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