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These Gifts We Bring


Once again the month of December has run faster than I could keep up with. There are posts to write, cards to send and gifts to wrap. Some of my list will get accomplished and some things won't, which is not unlike life itself. Some things get done and some things don't. In a few hours Pep and I -- after a last minute search for Colman's mustard -- will be leaving for a few days with friends of long-standing. There will be a sparkly tree, good food, lots of laughter and most importantly, being together. The last is the most important and the gift for which I am most grateful. 

As is Buttercupland tradition, we're returning to one of my favorite posts about "these gifts we bring," which I first posted in 2013. I didn't think I needed to learn the lesson -- again -- that the best gifts are the most simple gestures of the heart, but 2021 continued to teach this lesson over and over. I am profoundly grateful for the gifts my dear friends in Buttercupland gave me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for comments, notes and cards you sent to me. Thanks, too, for the posts and blogging that were lifelines to friendship throughout the year. 

Now I'm off to find mustard for the ham, some cookies for dessert tonight -- my baking didn't get done -- and some last minute wrapping. My wishes for good health, happiness and a bright and blessed Christmas! And again, every thanks for your friendship throughout the years. With lots of love, your friend Buttercup.  



Edna B said...

Merry Christmas, hugs, Edna B.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy your time away with your friends. May we all experience a healthy and peaceful 2022! Thanks for all of your fun and interesting posts. So glad I found your blog. I will see you again soon! :-)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I still have packages to mail our and all my decorating didn't get done either. Christmas will come any way. I like you believe the love we share is the best gift of all. Family and friends getting together is a priceless gift for sure ! Merry Christmas to you dear Friend !

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sending best wishes to you, Carol, for a wonderful end of the holiday season and all the best for the coming New Year. I agree that family and friends are the most important vifts of all, anytime of the year. And, if everything doesn’t get done, it really is not a disaster. Inhave enjoyed your posts throughout the year and thanks for your comments on my posts as well.

Theresa said...

I am thankful for all of my blog friends, I love each and every one. You all have become a part of my family. Have a blessed evening and week ahead, HUGS!