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These Gifts We Bring

Merry Christmas from the Frick Collection, New York City

I first wrote a post about The Little Drummer Boy in 2013, and I've written a post about it almost every year since. This year is no exception. 

   From my 2017 post:

The post is about my feelings about the Christmas song, The Little Drummer Boy. I came to really enjoy it in 2013 and the words "I have no gifts to bring..." stood out in my mind. This year the phrase "I am a poor boy..." caught my ear. In the last year I've heard many people I know say that they have nothing to give, that they are poor, old, tired or sad, as if the only gift to give needs to be shiny or expensive or brightly wrapped. The best gifts this year were gifts of friendship, smiles, support and kindness, most of which cost very little, but meant a great deal. Dear Citizens of Buttercupland, thank you for your gifts this year. I've valued every comment, Facebook like and follow. Some might say these are all virtual, but I've had the good fortune to meet a number of my blog buddies and what gifts they are. Those I haven't met I accept the good wishes, kindness and concern demonstrated in comments. Thank you, all.

I thought 2017 was a tough year, but then came 2020. Much of our lives became virtual and Zoom became the way we spent time together with friends and family. We learned once again that the best gifts were friendship, smiles (we learned to smile with our eyes above our masks), support and kindness. I was blessed to have a wonderful virtual community already in my life and Buttercupland has been a refuge in the toughest days of 2020. Thank you all, for the gifts you brought day after day after day. 

I hope your Christmas day held gifts of friendship, kindness and love. Tomorrow we'll have Pink Saturday Christmas fun window shopping at Saks Fifth Avenue. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and thank you all for the gifts you've brought to Buttercupland. 


acorn hollow said...

very true words! I have really enjoyed my blog more than ever in these trying times.

Theresa said...

So true, my favorite gifts are friends, love and kind words of encouragement. Have a blessed day dear friend, I pray that there is much healing for our Country in our future! HUGS!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I have so enjoyed my visits to Buttercup Land these past few months. I love the online blogging community. Such nice people. Enjoy this weekend after Christmas. :-)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thank you for all that you share It does matter. I agree our gift of friendships matters more than ever.

Edna B said...

Such a beautiful post! My blogland friends are very precious to me. This was my brother's favorite Christmas song. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Melinda said...

Thank YOU for being my blog friend. Hopefully some day soon we can meet when you come this direction.

Such a tough year for all be we are still going strong.

Take care and be safe.

M : )

Olde Dame Holly said...

...and your blog posts and the lovely and engaging photos you share are such a gift to an old gray mare like me! Thank you!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What you have written is so true, Carol, friendship is one of my most treasured gifts. Thank you for becoming a blog friend this year and for sharing photos of your NYC walks and previous adventures. Wishing you and everyone a Happier New Year and more adventures in blog land. It would be great to one day meet, you never know...