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It's My Pre-teen Blogaversary

Party, party and more party!

I'm not sure what was going on this year on Monday, January 12. I posted my thoughts about Vermont, but totally forgot that it was my twelfth Blogaversary. Even my erstwhile assistant, Pep LeMonkee, who is the original party animal, didn't mention it to me. 

I never dreamed (over) twelve years ago when I sent my first post out into the universe that I'd still be blogging. Never dreamed that Buttercupland would be a big part of my life and that it would lead to friendships that literally span the world. My blogging energy flagged for a few years, but in 2019 it returned and my friendships in BlogWorld were a complete blessing throughout 2020.  Many thanks to new followers and to those who have been part of the Buttercupland community for a long, long time. So grateful that you are all part of this journey.  

My thoughts from my first blogaversary post in 2010:

 When I started the blog I had no expectations. My goal was to "see myself and the world in a happier and more upbeat way." And unlike any number of things I've tried, I've succeeded in this, at least in my perception of myself. I'm not too upbeat about the world in general, but there are a lot of people across the globe who help me see the world in a little more upbeat way. Thank you all so much. 

To celebrate twelve years of happy blogging, I'm doing a blogaversary book giveaway, the book as yet unchosen. It's easy peasy to enter. Please leave a comment sharing a favorite reading genre and please be a friend of Buttercupland. I will post the winner next Friday, January 29.

As ever, thanks for visiting and thanks for being part of the Buttercupland community. Keep cozy! 


Mevely317 said...

Congratulations, Carol!
I'm so glad I didn't give into my early misgivings and close my blog. Since belatedly discovering my 'authentic voice', I realize blogging is one of the best things I've ever experienced. So glad to be among your company of groupies. (*grin*)

PS - My go-to genre is mystery/thrillers.

Nellie said...

Happy Bloggaversary! I was a bit later to join the blogging world, and you were one of the first I followed!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations!! Your animation celebration is so cute! Hmmm...my favorite reading genre...I guess biographies, magical realism, and animal stories.

Olde Dame Holly said...

I am so happy you have kept Buttercupland open all this time; inspiring! And such a bright spot. You are always so generous in sharing New York and your trips all over the globe. I don't know my favorite genre; as I age, I tend towards peaceful, kind writing!

Linda said...

Count me in!!! I started blogging in January 2010 too!! Wonder how you and I found each other? I know I used to scroll to 'next blog' ust to see what was out there. We seemed to have found our own little group as I notice we share some of the same friends.
I love books! Favorite author would be Gladys Tabor and Tasha Tudor.But I read just about everything. Mysteries, memoirs, biographies, a little bit of everything!

Theresa said...

I am happy to be your friend! I started my blog in 2009 and like you have made SO many friends, forever friends! Enjoy your day dear friend, I read anything:) HUGS!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Congrats on your anniversary. So glad you've persevered over the year and are still with us. You don't need to enter me in for the good drawing. I'd be making a comment any way. Always enjoy what you have to share.

Joyce F said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I enjoy your blog. Living on the edge of a small town in Kansas it gives me a glimpse of another world.

I enjoy reading biographies/memoirs.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Congratulations. Amazingly enough I'm coming up on 14. Time does fly!
Have a wonderful week!

Edna B said...

I have to agree that blogging has brought me new friends from all over. I never thought I'd still be doing it, but here I am and I'm in no hurry to quit. I enjoy stopping by to visit with you and your "friends." You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello and Happy Blogaversary! I always enjoy your posts and seeing life and NYC through your eyes. I enjoy nonfiction and right now, I seem to be reading an awful lot about politics and history. In my fiction reading - I enjoy any kind of a good page-turner. :-)

Marcia said...

Hope I'm not too late. Genre? Historical fiction.