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Day at the Museum

Almost fifty years ago I worked at the American Museum of Natural History. Yes, the museum made more famous in the movie franchise, Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. I often worked well past the time the museum closed and to exit the museum I walked through the deserted halls. Initially I found it both confusing and scary. There were big bugs, dinosaurs or the giant blue whale waiting for me, depending on what route I selected. But during my two years there I came to enjoy my eerie evening walks and the extraordinary adventure of night at the museum. 

It wasn't quite the same when I was there last week, but it was a relatively quiet day during my visit last week. There were moments when I shared a museum hall and the exhibit hall at the Planetarium with just a few other visitors. It wasn't going back in time to my years of evening solitude, but it was as close as I've gotten for the last four decades and what a treat. 

This amazing display at the Planetarium didn't exist when I worked at the museum. It's part of the extensive renovations and new buildings that have been added in the last fifty years.

One other addition is the Butterfly Vivarium, a habitat for butterflies. I first visited here last summer and was happy to return for another visit last week. I learned something new with both visits and it even piqued my interest in becoming a "butterfly volunteer."  Unfortunately there are no openings for volunteers in the Vivarium, but will keep an eye on the museum website. 

One of the butterflies that intrigued me

As promised last week we have a winner of the Buttercupland Fifteenth Blogaversary. It's Myra, from Respice, Prospice, a long time blog buddy. There will be some fun socks -- picture to come in another post -- and a few little surprises. Thanks, all, for the blogaversary good wishes and for being part of the Buttercupland community.  Much appreciated!

As ever, thanks for visiting and wishes for a good week.  


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a wonderful place to visit and see so much! You were blessed to have worked there at one time.. I did see the movie about the night at the museum. I've always loved museums.

Mevely317 said...

Yipppeee ... I'm so excited, Carol!!! Since retirement 5+ years ago, socks have become my new 'fad' fashion.

Your return to the Museum makes me long to return to a former workplace (or two). Some of my happiest memories reside there ... rather did. Both my bosses -- even the physical structures themselves -- are now deceased.

Mevely317 said...

I know you can relate to my last sentence. I didn't mean it to sound insensitive. That day will live forever in my consciousness.

Lynda said...

I love visiting museums! My mom lived in Albany, NY and worked near the museum. My siblings and I loved to visit there. In my lifetime, since, I have been to many others. Such treasures and so interesting!