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Almost Halloween: The Candy Edition (Part 2)


Today's question: Hershey's or M&Ms?

Last week we discussed one of the major questions of the season, candy corn. We had a lively and courteous chat, though there were strong feelings  on both sides. Today we move on to another major -- at least in Buttercupland -- question. Which candy maker is your favorite: M&Ms or Hershey's?

The case for M&Ms is an easy one. I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy M&Ms, though of course somewhere there is someone who isn't an M&M liker, but no one I can think of. Though I grew up on the plain classic milk chocolate M&M and its unforgettable slogan, "Melts in your mouth not in your hand," there are now many more varieties. I still enjoy the classic, but have never turned down the peanut or almond variety. To continue to make the case for M&Ms they have the cutest candy mascot(s) ever. I found Blue, as seen in the collage above, at the M&M store on Broadway. 

But, friends, I am a Hershey's fan first. I described the Reese's peanut butter cup as iconic last week, but realized that the Hershey bar is truly iconic. It was introduced in 1900 as a chocolate treat for those who weren't wealthy. It's one of, if not the very first, candy I remember eating and early childhood treats were a Hershey Bar. My mother also chose them for Halloween trick or treating, because she believed that everyone liked a Hershey bar. This simple chocolate bar also is an integral part of one of the greatest desserts ever created, the s'more.  Please click the link for a few new ideas from Hershey for s'mores variations. 

These are just my opinions and I received no compensation from either M&Ms or Hershey's. What are your opinions on this issue and if you are giving out candy tomorrow night, what will we find at your house?  

Pep and friends are set for Halloween and will be joining us in Buttercupland tomorrow. Actually they're so excited about the holiday that they've been set for the last few weeks and may keep their costumes on for at least a month. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

I'm with you on Hershey bars and M&Ms. Peanut M&Ms are my favorite. Happy Halloween to you and your friends! See you again soon!

Lynda said...

I love Hershey bars, also but not so much Hershey kisses - - - maybe just easier to bite the bar. I did love Peanut M&Ms for a season in life but got over that. Both companies do a white chocolate mint at Christmas and both are my favorite for sure at that time. It is the one time I don't mind eating a "kiss".