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Happy Halloween from Buttercupland


Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from all of the Buttercupland Crew to all of Buttercupland. We're in our Halloween costumes, except for Baby Yoda Harry who was dressed as a ghost and got a little claustrophobic in the run up to Halloween. Pep is wearing his Halloween sweater, Nessie is going as a skateboarder -- note her cute little mini skateboard and Baby Leo Yo is the Great Pumpkin this year. 

We've been taking a lot of Halloween photographs and if anyone wants to see more of Pep and his pals, please stop by our Instagram page. There's a lot of Pep and the crew, but also scenes from my New York neighborhood, book posts and of course, travel pictures. If you're an Instagrammer, please stop by and say hello.  

As ever, thanks for visiting and thanks for being part of Buttercupland. Stay safe and wishes for a sweet Halloween. 


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Halloween. I'm looking forward to seeing all the kids coming tonight for a treat. I've got my candy ready and will have plenty of treats. It's cold in Ohio and we may see snow flakes tonight. Hope you have better weather!

Mevely317 said...

Why, they're adorable!
I've an Instagram page but it's dormant. So far. I'll be over this afternoon to visit. Happy Halloween!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy Halloween to you as well! See you again soon! I will follow you on Instagram although I don't really check in there much. :-)