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I Took A Road

And didn't know what I would find there

I've visited Litchfield County, the northwest corner of Connecticut more times than I can count. First, with my parents when I was growing up and then more recently with a friend who grew up in the area. We met  post-retirement for both of us and became friends. One of her enthusiasms is driving up to Connecticut and enjoying familiar places. Fortunately she enjoys company on these trips and I'm one of her regular passengers. These trips became lifesavers in 2020 and 2021 as travel was limited and an excursion to a different area was an enormous treat. 

I thought  I knew every twist and turn after several dozen trips in the last few years, but Mount Tom State Park and its stunning lake vista was new to me. I captured the changing leaves and the reflection on the water, but what I'm unable to share is the aroma of country autumn in Connecticut. That is the missing ingredient for a spectacular day. Perhaps one day there will be a way to capture actual aroma and not a created "scent" of autumn in New England, but until then you'll have to trust that it was memorable and wonderful. 

My autumn day ended with a birthday dinner for my friend at a favorite restaurant. Dessert was totally seasonal and memorable, an apple tart with pumpkin ice cream. The restaurant is next door to a sister ice cream store that has some of the best ice cream anywhere. If you're ever in Bantam, CT or anywhere in Litchfield County, Arethusa Farm Ice Cream is worth a long detour. 

Today's title is used with thanks and acknowledgement to the Beatles. It's not quite their opening lines from "Got to Get You into My Life," but it's very close and actually how I remember the lyric, so please bear with me. 

We've had unseasonably warm weather in New York City and I am loving it. I know that any day the weather will turn and my flip flops will be retired for 2023. But until then I am grateful for sunshine and flip flops and autumn leaves.

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care. 


Sandi said...


16 blessings'mom said...

Connecticut is beautiful, we have friends that live in Bantam, and have visited Arethusa for ice cream a few times, oh dear....they have that big window so you can see them making it, fresh and yummy. It's a perfect time of year for a visit, so lovely with the leaves.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Here in Ohio, our weather has already changed. Soon it will be time to get the boots out. Snow is predicted on Halloween. I did love those warmer days when we had them too. Parks around here are also beautiful places to visit.

Marcia said...

My flip flops are put away though with 70º today I could be wearing them inside. That is a lovely photo. I have seen signs for Mt. Tom before and didn't recall it was CT.

Mevely317 said...

Wouldn't 'scratch n' sniff' technology be wonderful right about now? Your dessert sounds amazing, as does the company. Thank you for sharing your day!

Traveling Suitcase said...

Beautiful photo, and it sounds like your trip was wonderful. It's been colder here than what I think of is normal for early fall and I'm not thrilled with it. I've raked several times and the front yard is almost done but the back is just starting. Just hoping to get everything done before it get's really ugly and cold. It's nice you have a friend to travel with and enjoy the beauty.