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Paradise in a Cup Times Two


My nomination for National Coffee Day 2023 is Creekside Coffee in Sedona, AZ, 
both for the coffee, the treats and the incomparable view

Today is National Coffee Day, which celebrates the beverage that I think of as paradise in a cup. I celebrated, as I do every day, with coffee. Because of the torrential rains in New York City today -- 6" in Midtown -- I didn't get very far from home and celebrated at the bagel store a few blocks from home. I set out mid-morning when the rain was teeming and by the time I walked not quite three blocks my sneakers and socks were soaked. But my iced coffee and warm from the oven bagel were worth it. 

As long time Buttercupland friends know I've posted often about coffee. I went through posts from years past and decided to chose one place I'd like to be drinking coffee today.  There are a lot of coffee memories and photographs and the one that's an especially sweet memory is my visit to Creekside Coffee in Sedona in February, 2020. Great coffee, great treat and that view of the red rocks of Sedona. I almost cancelled the trip -- my friend wasn't able to join me -- and I had a lot else planned for 2020. But since everything was booked I decided to go alone and yes, it was the last time I would fly in 2020. 

While we celebrated National Coffee Day today, Sunday is International Coffee Day. I'm celebrating with a visit in my memory to a favorite cup of coffee during my trip this spring to England. The coffee was good, the scone delicious and the view was my wonderful English friends, Sybil, Mary and Peter, sitting around the table. 

My vote for International Coffee Day is any cup when you're visiting with friends, and especially if there's a scone and jam to enjoy.

Buttercupland coffee fans, any celebrations of National Coffee Day, or is every day coffee day?

I'll be back tomorrow to celebrate a favorite food and to officially welcome autumn for this week's Pink Saturday post. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and have a great weekend. New York neighbors, stay dry and safe. 


Carol said...

Every day is coffee day! I love a good cup of coffee and I am thankful to have friends that do as well

Mevely317 said...
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Mevely317 said...

I remember Creekside Coffee! ... not so much for the iced coffee, but their amazing peach cobbler.

I've never tried a scone, but agree: Any day's a red-letter day when you're sipping and visiting with Friends.

Marcia said...

I hope the rain didn't cause any damage for you there.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I agree, everyday is a time to celebrate coffee. I fix a cup when I first get up and it helps wake me up and but me in a good frame of mind. I'm no good without my cup of coffee in the morning !