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Buttercupland Salutes Pink Saturday

A bouquet for Beverly

 â™¥This will be the last "Anything Goes" Pink Saturday.

I plan to shut down my blog next week. I have had
this blog 17 1/2 years. It was a hard decision, but it is
time. Thank you for all of your support.♥
 â™¥ ♥ ♥
Thank you, Pink Saturday 
(And just to be clear, Buttercupland will still be here) 

My Pink Saturday routine is pretty simple. I start thinking about a topic during the week. I sort my pictures and download them. On Saturday or just as often on Sunday I sit down at the computer and open up the page for "How Sweet the Sound." I then look at the photograph with the most clicks and then the one that caught Beverly's eye. It's a very pleasant routine and one that I've looked forward to for the last five years. 

This week was no exception. I took my pictures at a favorite apple orchard on Wednesday. I edited them and downloaded them and then I sat down at the computer to start my post, Pink Saturday Goes Apple Picking. Except this week the message above is what greeted me. 

But not unlike just about everything, it's time for a very bittersweet farewell. I've so enjoyed being part of the Pink Saturday community and will miss my weekend ritual. I will miss Beverly's photographs and her writing. I will miss Beverly. 

We've never met and I don't keep up with a lot of the other bloggers, except on Pink Saturday. But, not unlike blogging itself, the community has found a way into my heart. So grateful to have been part of this kind and sweet community. 

I've had transitions in my mind and conversation the last while. It seems to be a consistent topic as friends change cities, adjust to new medical conditions and watch children and grandchildren spread their wings and fly. Sometimes the transition is a friend moving to London and sometimes it's farewell to Pink Saturday. 

I've got a mix of grateful and sad right now and I'm reminded of a favorite Wordsworth poem, Ode: Intimations of Immortality, the "splendor in the grass" poem.

What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
                Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
                      We will grieve not, rather find
                      Strength in what remains behind

 Actually I will grieve for the hour of splendour in the grass, whether it's my pleasant afternoon Pink Saturday ritual or the company of friends long gone. But like Wordsworth I will find strength in what remains behind. 

As ever, thanks for visiting. Tomorrow morning I'm off on an autumn adventure and a blogger meetup. Here's to a great week, Buttercupland, friends.  


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I always enjoy all of your posts so this will not be terribly missed. I'm just glad you are not quitting blogging for good. That would not be good. Keep on posting your wonderful sights of NYC and your travels all around the globe.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I will miss you so much….happy happy to you. xo, V.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Whew, Carol, when I first read this post, I feared that you were shutting down your blog. Then, I read further and understood the message was from another blogger. Even though it’s often difficult to keep up with bloggers on a daily basis, they are nevertheless a community of friends, even if never met ones. Enjoy your adventures and blogger meet up.

Mevely317 said...

That's probably my favorite of all (the) poems I've happened to read. It lingers ...

Have a grand time on your adventure and blogger meet-up!

Marcia said...

I never realized that Pink Saturday was another blogger's meme and not yours. Look forward to more of your posting of your doings.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I sure will miss you. We are the same age and have so much in common! Also you were my city friend...and I am your country friend. I'm wishing you the very best and hope to stay in touch with goodreads! Thanks for the shout out there this week! Sweet hugs, Diane

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I think I misread too. WHEW! You'll still be here! I'm so glad! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

So sad to read Beverly's message and I hope that she and her family are all OK! I missed her last week as we were away celebrating our anniversary. Beverly and I began blogging around the same time and I considered her a friend all these years!