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Pink Saturday Goes to Hedgerow


Welcome to Hedgerow, Tenants Harbor, Maine

If you're driving up the coast of Maine from Portland, you'll pass Freeport -- or you may stop at the LL Bean outlet. Then it's a ride past Bath and then Wicasset. Somewhere right around this time you'll find a country road and turn east and go just about as far as you can go. You'll come to Port Clyde and Tenants Harbor and you'll find one of my new discoveries on my trip to Maine, Hedgerow. It sounds like you've come to the end of the road, but it's well worth the journey. 

Betsy and I made the drive to Hedgerow to pick up a delicious chicken pot pie for dinner. A beautiful bouquet of the Hedgerow grown flowers also came home with us. There was produce, a beautifully curated collection of home goods and a display of art from local Maine artists. 

I loved living with a similar bouquet for the rest of my visit. 

All the bounty of the summer, fruit, flowers and vegetables and a beautiful stone fence. Every inch of Hedgerow is a photo opportunity. 

If you're ever even slightly near to Tenants Harbor -- and slightly is  a fifty mile radius -- and want a perfect New England shopping moment, Hedgerow is worth the drive. After your visit here, make your way to my new favorite restaurant Ancho Honey, which specializes in gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. I had the Daytuna 500, which was the most amazing tuna melt in a lifetime of  tuna melts. 

This may be the last of the Maine posts for awhile, though I'm thinking that Ancho Honey deserves a post of its own. I've usually got a few posts in mind, but right now my mind is not generating ideas. I'm going to flip through my photographs and see what they inspire. 

I hope you've enjoyed our Pink Saturday adventure this week. It's made me long for a magic carpet that could zip me back to Maine for a return visit and an Ancho Honey sandwich. 

As ever, thanks for visiting. Have a great week!


Deb J. in Utah said...

I would really like to visit Maine. Thanks for sharing your adventure.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a nice place to visit in the summertime. Touch a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing as always, I love seeing your trips.

Changes in the wind said...

What a pretty place. Thanks for taking us along and the flowers are gorgeous.

Chatty Crone said...

Hedgerow looks beautiful I wish I could see it - but this is the next best thing.

Deanna Rabe said...

It's been too long since I've been in Maine! So beautiful. I'd go to visit my friend and to see Hedgerow! That's my kind of shopping experience!

Oh and your tuna melt sounds amazing!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I would love to travel there someday! Looks beautiful!

Tristan Robin said...

Hedgerow looks like a perfect spot for a visit! The photographs all look just lovely - but, to be honest, you had me at the periwinkle blue doors in the first picture!

I've only been to Maine once in my entire life - friends were married at the Hidden Pond Resort in Kinnebunkport a few years ago and we spent the weekend there. It was quite lush and posh - and way too high ticket for our little weekend getaways 🥴🤣 but it was a delightful place and it was a spectacular spot for a wedding. That's the extent of my Maine touring!

Your time sounds so much more relaxing and inviting than mine today - a visit to the vet for the annual dog check and vacs. Ugh. Brando is not a fan of the vet. We always just hope we get through it without a mishap.🤞

Thanks for sharing your Maine excursion - enjoy this week!

Jeanie said...

Those blue doors and shutters are absolutely the best!

Theresa said...

Oh the beauty you have seen. I have never visited here but you make me really want to make that trip. Your pictures are always so bright and pretty. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Edna B said...

It looks like a beautiful place to visit. And maybe even stay for a while? Those flower bouquets are so pretty. I hope you get to go back again. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Veronica Lee said...

Such a lovely place to visit!

I enjoyed the fabulous photos.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Sounds like a delightful trip. That tuna melt sounds yummy. You have wonderufl photos. THanks for sharing