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It's Better at the Beach

Happy National Beach Day
 Greetings from beautiful Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia 

I'm a beach fan and it looks like I'm not the only one in  Buttercupland who loves beaches. There was a definite enthusiasm shown for a post for National Beach Day, and I'm more than happy to oblige. K suggested I return to beautiful Bondi Beach in Australia for photographs and I took her up on the suggestion. It's going to be quite awhile -- and that's being optimistic -- before I get back to Bondi Beach and I'm delighted to feature it for National Beach Day.

Part of the Graffiti Wall at Bondi Beach and the theme of National Beach Day, 
keeping our beaches clean

Thank you for keeping our beaches clean, wherever they may be

And a final farewell photo of Bondi Beach. 

I don't think I ever met a beach I didn't like, though some are definitely more inviting. My "first beach" at the age of two was a rocky beach along Long Island Sound in Connecticut. It didn't have especially fine sand, there were rocks and lots of sea weed, but some of the happiest hours I've ever known were spent there.  Do you have a favorite beach memory?

As ever, thanks for visiting and celebrating National Beach Day with me. Take care and lots of prayers for Louisiana and the Gulf. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the memories of taking our kids to the beach when they were very small. Thanks for this post. :-)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love the beach and will celebrate with you today. We have the beach on the shores of Lake Erie here. Sadly I haven't made a beach trip yet this summer and miss it very much, so your pictures are very appreciated today !

Sandi said...

Looks more overcast than I would have expected for Bondi Beach!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While I am not a beach person myself, growing up my husband spent many summers at the NJ shore with his grandparents and family. By comparison, my family never went to a beach area in my childhood. I do enjoy walking along the shore line just cannot do beach sitting, which he can. I hope you will be able to return to Bondi Beach, one day.

Veronica Lee said...

I am totally a beach person!

My favorite beach memory was a family vacation at a beach resort when I was 5.

Beautiful photos BTW!

Jeanie said...

I'm fond of the beach, too. Love the signs you found here!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Fun pictures of Bondi Beach signs/grafitti.
I used to love being close enough to a beach to just drive over for a walk in the waves to recharge my batteries. That's one of things about living in Queens that I really miss.