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Blogging from A to Z: A is for Autumn

Autumn Landscape, a Tiffany window at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Please click the link for information about the creation of this masterpiece. 

Though April 1 is almost over, it's not too late for my first post in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. This year's theme is "(Some of) My Favorite Things and it was a tough choice for the first letter. Initially (sort of a pun intended) I was sure I'd blog about Australia, but on one of my recent trips to the Metropolitan Museum of Art I saw the fabulous Tiffany window above and knew that I'd begin with autumn.  

This autumn scene was taken this year in Litchfield County, Connecticut. 

I grew up in Connecticut and went to college in both rural Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Autumn in New York -- as the song goes -- is lovely, but there is nothing like autumn in New England. Some years are more spectacular, but no year is disappointing, and for all the disappointment of 2020, the beauty of quiet moments in New England was a balm to my saddened spirit.   

October in Maine, 2019, because I can't post too many 
photographs of the New England countryside. 

I'm glad I chose autumn because I get to feature one of my favorite things, pumpkin. 
This well carved beauty is a work of art. 

I'm not sure when decorating for autumn and Halloween became a thing, but I'm glad it did. It's become very popular in my neighborhood and though, quite simple, this is one of my favorite doorway decorations I've photographed. 

What are some of your favorite autumn things?

Tomorrow -- actually later today -- we're going to a favorite place in New York City. I hope you'll join me. 

As ever, thanks for visiting. Special welcome to visitors from the A to Z Challenge. So glad you stopped by.  


Martha said...

Beautiful photos and that Tiffany window is amazing! Have fun with the A to Z :)

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Favorite Autumn things?

But mostly Halloween. That is *my* time of year.

Looking forward to seeing what you do all month!
Tim Brannan, The Other Side: 2021: The A to Z of Monsters

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Well even though we are experiencing Spring here, it is Autumsn in the Souther hemisphere. Autumn is a beautiful time and the colors are wonderful, but my favorite season is Spring!

Mevely317 said...

That window is stunning! Becasue Autumn's my favorite season, New England's on my short-list of places to see someday.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Beautiful pictures and I know A to Z is going to be special.

Edna B said...

Beautiful photos! Autumn in New England is beautiful. I love the pumpkin decorations. I'm glad that some folks still do decorate for the seasons. I can tell you are going to enjoy this photo challenge. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Sunday Visitor said...

I love your theme. The window is so beautiful. I can see why you chose to write on Autumn. Great going!!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Beautiful photos, and I love this carved pumpkin!

Quilting Patchwork & Appliqué

Lisa said...

Beautiful photos! I love the pumpkins on the steps!! I'm visiting from #AtoZchallenge.

Ginny Hartzler said...

October in Maine is my favorite! And the beautiful landscape in the museum. It kind of looks like stained glass? Favorite autumn thing is the leaves!

Marcia said...

Lovely assortment for A. Yes autumn is lovely here in NH as we experienced for the first time this year.

Sean I said...

The photos are stunning. Australia would have been a good topic and one of my favs since i grew up there but this is even better


Melinda said...

This would be the season I would live in if I had to choose one.
Cool/crisp air, pumpkins, hot chocolate, bonfires, hoodies, and
cardigans to name a few.

M : )

Marcy said...

What beautiful photos! I don't take the time to decorate much, or even to snap the photos, but I appreciate your sharing yours! It is wonderful to be able to enjoy the beauties of the different seasons.

Laurel Wood said...

Autumn has always been my favorite season. I love these photos. I read about this gorgeous window in the link you provided...truly amazing. It has always been a dream to visit New England in Autumn. I love visiting a pumpkin farm in Autumn, along with apple orchards.