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(Not So) Wordless Wednesday: It's the Season


Be on the lookout for this group delivering treats around the world

The honeymoon is over for Nessie and E. Bunny and the busy work season has arrived. In years past E. Bunny and Pep were responsible for the entire egg and candy delivery. But now that Nessie is part of the Bunny family she has become an integral part of the operation. I'm also happy to announce that Bongo has joined the delivery group as an intern. 

Memories of Easter past 

You may notice that Pep is not in Easter attire, but is wearing his Yankee uniform. I'm pretty sure the deliveries tomorrow will include the Bronx and Pep will do a quick drop-in at Yankee Stadium for opening day of baseball season. 

E. Bunny and Nessie are traditionalists and their Easter basket choices are eggs and candy, but Pep and Bongo lean to bananas and oranges. If you see fruit in your Easter basket you'll know that Pep has been in your neighborhood. 

We start the A to Z Challenge tomorrow. I hope you'll join us for this always fun month of posts. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.  


Ginny Hartzler said...

What fun, and this post sure brought a big smile to me.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

So cute!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How exciting to think about opening day at the stadium. It's a sure sign Spring is here and I'm looking forward to all the games ahead. Baseball is one game I understand and enjoy !Pay ball! We have snow here in Ohio but only for one day, then it will warm back up again.

Edna B said...

What fun photos! I love baseball so it's good to see the season open, even if it is rainy here today. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.