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Chappy Chanukah

(C)Happy (C)Hanukah 

There are any number of ways to spell Chanukah in English and my favorite New York bakery, Breads, used one version of the transliterated spelling for their greeting this year. In the background are the traditional Chanukah jelly doughnuts, sufganiyot. Breads versions are anything but traditional, including chocolate and dulce de leche filings. Chanukah foods are fried in oil to commemorate the miracle of oil that lasted eight days instead of one. 

I find it extraordinary that 2200 years have gone by since those miraculous eight days and around the world the commemoration has just taken place. Candles were lit, blessings were said and sufganiyot were eaten. Children still spin the dreidel, a four sided top. The letters on the top symbolize the phrase, "A great miracle happened there."

But most of all we commemorate the victory of light over darkness and the ability to have hope and believe in miracles, no matter how improbable they may seem. I'm going to hold on to the Chanukah message throughout what may be a dark and cold winter and remember that great miracles are always possible. 

I hope everyone is digging out of yesterday's snow. We got ten inches and I went out in the afternoon to enjoy it while it was still (mostly) untouched. The pristine look doesn't last long in Manhattan, but I got there soon enough to see the park sparkling in the afternoon sun and will share pictures in the next post. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cozy.


DeniseinVA said...

Happy Chanukah! I enjoyed your post:) we ended up only getting a couple of inches of snow and that turned to sleet and ice.

acorn hollow said...

Happy Chanukah Breads and donuts ohhh what a treat! We got 17 inches of snow but our neighbors in the next town got 24 inches up to 36 inches of snow 17 suited me just fine. I am looking forward to seeing your snow pictures of the city

Martha said...

Happy Chanukah! I'm glad you were able to see the park while it looked pristine. I can only imagine how beautiful it must have been.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Chanukah to you ! I love the idea of celebrating light in the darkness! Glad you could venture out in the snow. I stay in and keep; warm here, it's pretty looking out the window, but I don't like the cold that comes with it.

Deanna Rabe said...

I love the yearly reminder that God is a God of miracles!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Happy Chanukah to you! Miracle celebrations abound this time of year! Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Mevely317 said...

Happy Chanukah, Carol! I love Bread's clever greeting! And as always, I appreciate learning more about this splendid time of year.

Karen said...

Happy Chanukah! I enjoyed this post and learned some new things about the traditions. Those donuts look delicious.

Edna B said...

Happy Chanukah. Enjoy that snow while it's still pretty. Hugs, Edna B.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have really enjoyed this info. I never knew what the markings on the dreidels meant. I look forward to your park photo!

Linda said...

HAppy Chanukah! When we were homeschholing long ago - we studied Chanukah. We made recipes and I bought a drindle for them to spin. It's always good to learn about celebrations. Louis Dean and I recently read about December 13 - St. Lucia Day. Once again, Amber and Ben and I studied that long ago but it's still nice to read aout it again.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I would spend time with my late dear friend, Edyth, celebrating the lighting of the candles on each day of Chanukah. She would tell me stories of her family and their celebrations when she was young. I cherished our time as she was such a wonderful person who taught me so much. When Chanukah comes around , I think of her.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Buttercup. Happy Chanukah! The bread looks so pretty and I bet it smells wonderful in that bakery. I saw the snow storm on TV. Pristine snow is the best. We are having sunshine but colder than all get out. Life on two different coasts..Stay well..xxoJudy

Olde Dame Holly said...

As we Cajuns say, "L'annee prochain" you will get some of those beautiful baked goods! Next year!

kestrel said...

Cultures and festivals should live on and be passed on to the next generations. Oh, the pastries look too good even though they are only pixs, makes me want to go out and get some NOW. I have seen snow but not in amounts that need shoveling!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Happy Chanukah to you, Carol, and those baked treats looked delicious and no calories when looking at a photo😋 Nice to read that you were able to get out and see the snow before it turned dinghy and gray due to city life and will forward to your photos too.

Theresa said...

Happy Chanukah! Those are some really yummy looking treats! So happy that you got to get out and enjoy the beautiful snow, I look forward to the pictures! HUGS!