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It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas: Columbus Circle


Is your favorite blue...

...Or pink and purple (my two favorite colors)

...or orange?

Though I love pink and purple, separately and together, I can't pick a favorite. I am delighted when each color blends into the next. I've seen this display more times than I can count, but it never fails to dazzle me. For new visitors to Buttercupland, I worked at this site, though it wasn't a glittering glass and steel mall in those days, but a somewhat rundown office building. Despite it's shabbiness and poorly operating air conditioning, it was one of my favorite work sites. We overlooked Central Park, had great access to just about every subway line and I could walk to and from work. I rarely walked to work, but walked all or most of the way home a lot of the time. It broke my heart to move downtown in 1999, but I ended up loving that location, too.  

Right now there's a snowstorm going on and it's more than just a dusting. We've had very little snow for the last few years, but this storm brings us back to the past. Fortunately, I've got nowhere that I have to be, unlike the years when working from home was unknown. My heart and prayers go out to those who have to keep working and whose work keeps New York City running. As I type, I can hear the sound of the snow blowers keeping the sidewalks clear, at least for a little while.   

Tomorrow we'll be having our official Buttercupland Chanukah celebration. Please stop by and join the festivities. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cozy!


acorn hollow said...

So pretty! We are not getting snow yet and we are only getting a little 4 to 5 inches much less than you. Which makes me very happy but skiers are not so happy they pray for snow.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are absolutely gorgeous! I have never seen any like them. I think I like the blue best.

Theresa said...

Beautiful, love the colors! I have been watching the snow on TV in your city! SO pretty! Enjoy your warm and cozy day dear friend, HUGS!

Martha said...

I love the colors! Stay bundled up :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How beautiful! We were just now watching the weather channel and seeing all the snow you have now! Stay safe and warm today! Snuggle with those cute monkeys!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Hope you all stay safe in the storm. Thankfully the city workers are out working on clearing the snow for every one. We have a good city crew that does that for us too, but this time the storm moved east and other of us up your way. We only have a dusting today.

Edna B said...

We just got a heap of snow too. My favorite color is the orange. But I love lots of other colors too. At Christmas, we always put up beautiful blue lights for Chanukah, and multi colored lights for Christmas. My family is multi colored and multi religious. I am very blessed. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Marcia said...

Those are lovely stars. We are getting the winter storm Gail here as well. The forecasts for us were wrong. We have gotten 3x the amount of snow forecast and it keeps coming.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The stars were lovely in all the colors, Carol. The snow is still blowing around here in NH, and like yourself I am happy to see it, but that's because I am safely indoors with no outdoor activity or driving. Hopefully all those who have to brave the elements will do so safely.

NanaDiana said...

What an absolutely amazing display. You are lucky to be able to see it up close and personal. My friend in PA sent me pictures this morning. They got 30" of snow last night- xo Diana

DeniseinVA said...

Such a festive display and enjoyed your lovely photos. Stay safe in all that snow. We have a lot of people to thank don't we? They keep everyone going, very much unsung heroes but I think more and more are appreciative of what they do now.

DeniseinVA said...

Happy Chanukah :) I look forward to seeing your celebrations.