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Visions of Dancing Candy Canes Pink Saturday


Dancing Candy Canes at Bloomingdales

For many years I've had the pleasure of watching "The Nutcracker" at Lincoln Center at Christmas. It hasn't been every year and less and less as the years have gone by. As the years have gone by I've also grown tired of the first act. But in the second act when the candy canes and cocoa and tea dance, all is forgiven, and I am as mesmerized as a six year old seeing ballet for the first time. 

I won't be returning to Lincoln Center this year, but I will be searching for the best on-line rendition I can find. Until I've found it, the interior design at Bloomingdales will suffice. I zipped in after my eye doctor appointment and was delighted to find a visual replacement for the dancing candy canes I so love. There's nothing that will replace Tchaikovsky's music, but fortunately that's always just a few clicks away.

This was the first group of dancers I saw as I ascended the escalator.

I looked up and this dancer in mid-air greeted me. 

This trio bid me farewell as I left my department store Nutcracker visit.

There's a lot of excitement building in Buttercupland. Monday is the annual Christmas Monkey (and Snowman) Monday. The whole group will be assembled in holiday finery for their annual picture. In the past we've taken the photo with everyone posed on the mantel, but we've outgrown that space. Pep has proposed we move to the lobby and I'm considering it. I'm not sure the building staff will appreciate a dozen monkeys racing around the lobby, but it's a tempting idea. 

I hope you've enjoyed our Pink Saturday fun. Please stop by tomorrow for snow time in  New York and a winter update from the Buttercupland Department of Public Safety. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cozy. 


acorn hollow said...

we have seen the nutcracker a few times at the wang theater in Boston magical.
thank you for taking us with you

Brenda said...

Best Nutcracker ever...The Russian Ballet with my granddaughter and her dance class dancing with them...amazing amazing...memories...love love love your blog.

peggy said...

Just gorgeous, I can't imagine what it would be like to visit Bloomingdale's and the Lincoln Center. But okay, I have your posts and CBS to fill in for me.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I really enjoyed those dancing candy canes. The striped stockings are impressive. Now I think I may need some. What a beautiful display. I've never seen the nutcracker on stage, but is's going to go on my bucket list.

Edna B said...

Those dancing candy canes are beautiful. I say go for the lobby! Who cares what management thinks. Christmas is for kids and animals. Have fun, hugs, Edna B.

Martha said...

So gorgeous, I love the Nutcracker too. I've only seen it live once but it was so beautiful!

Karen said...

It's been years since I've seen the Nutcracker on stage. Hopefully, next year I can take my grandchildren. The store displays are magical, thank you for sharing.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love this post and those fun dancing candy canes in Bloomingdales. Ahh the sights and sounds of the Holidays! Have a good week!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

How very lovely!!! Merry Christmas to you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this, and have never seen anything like it!! I am just so blessed to have found you and your blog, and to be able to tour various places in New York. I love how the dancers are right at the top of the escalator, a lovely surprise. We live in a small city, and the stores have nothing like this. But then again, I think most cities have nothing like New york! How is that new little Dash baker working?

Jeanie said...

These are a perfect Pink Saturday and they are incredibly beautiful. Let the holiday merriment continue with more prettiness and joy.