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Pink Saturday Goes to the Tulip Festival

A perfect pink tulip for Pink Saturday

I finished the Around the World A to Z on Friday and spent the next 36 hours floundering around for topics to blog about. Many of my blog posts in the past included pictures I'd taken during my trips around New York City, and now my trips don't go beyond walks around the neighborhood. I was totally stuck for a post yesterday, but as I walked in my neighborhood I realized there were some extraordinarily beautiful places that I wanted to share. 

 It's tulip time at the West Side Community Garden

One of my regular excursions for the last few years was a walk to Trader Joe's. On the way home I'd buy an iced coffee at 7-11 and then stop at the Community Garden around the corner. The only time I'd skip my garden stop was during the very worst days of winter when it was too cold to sit out. I'm skipping Trader Joe's and 7-11 for now, but I walked up to Central Park -- pictures for another post -- this afternoon. On the way home I passed the Garden and got to see the Tulip Festival, sadly through the fencing. 

   I loved these beautiful pink tulips...

...and these lovely purple tulips

I posted these pictures on Facebook and one of my friends mentioned the Tulip Festival in Holland, MI, which I promptly added to my "someday" list of places to visit. I'd love to spend time surrounded by fields of tulips. Is anyone else a tulip fan?

Besides the local sights, I've got a list of posts to get ready for this week. There will be monkeys, mileage and money this week, along with a birthday celebration. I hope you'll all stop by and visit.

As ever, thanks for visiting and take care! Much love and wash your hands! 


Nawm D Gerr said...

Very pretty thanks for sharing. I love tulips too!

Louca por porcelana said...

Beautiful tulips!Made me smile!Have a lovely week.Hugs!

JFM said...

How beautiful these flowers are.
They brought a smile to my heart ❤🌷

Carol said...

Beautiful tulips!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, you live within walking distance of the iconic Central Park? Your walks sound lovely, too bad you have to omit Trader Joe's and 7-11 for now. The tulips are gorgeous! I have to say my favorites are BOTH the pink and purple!

Dorothy In PA said...

After traveling the world with you, I am happy to take a stroll around New York. Thank you for the flower photos. They are lovely.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Lovely tulips. They are so colorful and pretty. Always nice to see you here and thank you for sharing. HUGS

Karen said...

pink and purple are my favorites!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I love tulips too, pretty photos.
And you will not be disappointed by the Netherland festival!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Nice to heave a tulip festival right in your own neighborhood. No need to go any place else.

Kerin said...


Surely does lift my spirits to see all the spring time blooms :)


Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It's nice to get out for daily walks in the neighborhood and see the pretty spring flowers.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I enjoyed this walk around your neighborhood. After the recent around the world posts, it was nice to see your home once again. We have also been getting out for daily walks downtown, but sadly there is nothing scenic to post about. Even a walk to the local city park yesterday didn't produce much in the way of colorful blooms and not even trees budding.