My view of Montevideo, Uruguay from the deck of our ship. After some very quick rain, I had a sunny day to enjoy Montevideo.
Montevideo was the last stop on our trip. There were many formal tours offered, but after spending hours in buses and boats on penguin expeditions I just wanted to enjoy my day in Montevideo. I wanted to walk, to look at stores and street art and drink iced coffee. I'd been a tourist in the varied ports the ship had stopped in and during my stop in Montevideo I simply wanted to be a visitor, and I had a wonderful time doing just that.
Most ports had relatively long walks/rides to the center of town, but the pier here had easy access to the city, which was a very welcome change. Montevideo was the last stop on our trip. There were many formal tours offered, but after spending hours in buses and boats on penguin expeditions I just wanted to enjoy my day in Montevideo. I wanted to walk, to look at stores and street art and drink iced coffee. I'd been a tourist in the varied ports the ship had stopped in and during my stop in Montevideo I simply wanted to be a visitor, and I had a wonderful time doing just that.
A rare selfie -- sort of -- in a bakery window.
This cutie greeted me at one of the souvenir stores in the neighborhood near the pier. The flag of Uruguay is on the right.

I enjoyed the murals in the area. This one is my favorite.
I'm still deleting and sorting both penguin pictures and those of Antarctica. My resolution for my next trip is to delete photographs every day. Penguins are definitely on the schedule for a post this week. I hope you've enjoyed our Pink Saturday visit to Montevideo.
As ever, thanks for visiting and have a great week!
Oh what a beautiful place to visit! I am happy to see these beautiful scenes through your pictures! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
That is a place I've never heard much of let alone seen, so I really enjoyed the pictures of your visit for sure. Glad you got a lot of pictures.
I can only imagine how many photos you ahve from your wonderful cruise, Carol! I hope to catch up with all your cruise posts today. The mural is amazing and your bakery window "selfie" is fun!
this looks like a charming village. i'm glad you got to be a visitor there. the pup looks sweet.
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