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Sidewalks of New York Pink Saturday

I had a  long post with photographs of Halloween fun in New York, but for no reason I can fathom, Blogger wouldn't let me post it. I'm doing a very quick abbreviated post with my two favorite photos of this Halloween.

My favorite decorations of the Halloween season on East 72nd Street
My favorite Monkee trick-or-treater, Pepe, and his buddy, DoughBoy.
Here's hoping this post works and I can join the fun at Pink Saturday. Blogger can certainly be moody. I'm optimistic it will be back to its more even temper soon. 
As ever, thanks for visiting and have a great week! ï»¿


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Hope you have a wonderful week ahead too !

Linda said...

Waving to Pepe and Doughboy..Blessings

Theresa said...

Love that Halloween display and your cute little friends! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Ms Sparrow said...

Blogger has been giving me problems with posting pictures too. I hope it's not getting old and curmudgeonly! Maybe it's just a passing phase.

Anonymous said...

The boys are so cut together,

Annesphamily said...

Pretty in pink! Love your shares.