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Buttercup and Canada: Everlasting Love


Halifax Nova Scotia, as seen from Dartmouth Nova Scotia

On a July day in 1960 I fell in love. It's more than 60 years and I am still in love with Canada. It's an everlasting love and Canada has never broken my heart.  Dear Canada, this is my love letter!

One of my favorite cities, Ottawa

I was fortunate that my parents enjoyed travel and while I was growing up chose a different area to visit every summer. Armed with a AAA triptik -- a detailed plan that AAA put together -- and a dozen paper maps we would  go out to see historic sites,  try new foods and enjoy a beach or lake. In the summer of 1960 they planned an epic journey -- for 1960 -- and we drove from Hartford through the Finger Lakes of New York to Niagara Falls and then to Toronto. I would be in another country, Canada.  It was love at first sight. 

Across the St. Lawrence River
Brockville, Ontario viewed from Ogdensburg, New York

Since 1960 I've been to Canada more times than I can count. My parents and I added Montreal in 1967 and in 1973 I made the second of many trips to the St. Lawrence River area. Since then I've added Halifax, Ottawa, Vancouver -- one of the most beautiful cities in the world -- Calgary, beautiful Banff and Lake Louise. I loved Prince Edward Island -- thank you, Anne of Green Gables -- and St. John's, Newfoundland. My travel dreams include a trip/trips to provinces that I haven't visited.

Nacho, who I met in St. John's Newfoundland

With immense thanks to the friends I've made and to the best neighbor ever, Canada. Here's  a belated Happy Canada Day greeting and a wish that your flag will always fly in peace.  

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cool.


Chatty Crone said...

I love Canada too - I have been there twice - not at all like your visits tho. Loved Anne of Green Gables too.
I remember the AAA triptiks -- detailed plans that AAA put together. Used them myself!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I have never been to Canada but it is on my bucket list. We used to get AAA triptiks for family vacations too. They were always very helpful in back in the day before we all had GPS on our phones. Thanks for sharing your pictures and memories. Have a great week!

Jeanie said...

I, too, have loved Canada forever but I've never made it so far as the Maritimes. How lovely! Every now and then Rick and I think about how in about another five months or so (if things go badly) spending as much time in Canada as they will allow us to.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You have definitely been to more cities and places in Canada than we have, Carol, and now we live even closer. We did enjoy New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island last month and previously visited parts of Ontario. I would like to visit Montreal in the near future. This was a lovely tribute to Canada.

Lynda said...

You were in Montreal in 1967 - - for the Word's Fair/Expo? We went, also. I was about 16. It was so much fun - - so magical almost. We may have seen each other there and will never know.
The AAA Triptik - - My husband and I used those in the early years of our marriage. We thought they were the most amazing things. The best fun was getting to turn the page when you had traveled the distance. It felt like tangible progress!
Great memories we share today!

Mevely317 said...

I remember those TripTiks, too! Oh, and being at the World's Fair/Expo. Sadly, all I can recall of the latter are the flimsy thrown-together accommodations ...not so different looking than a line of porta-potties. (lol)
Your recollections have me pondering a return someday; best viewed through adult eyes.