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Born on the Fourth of July


Mackinac Island, Michigan

A few days ago I wrote a love letter to Canada and this post is a love letter to my home and native land, America. More often than not, the Fourth of July is a day for the beach, fireworks and barbecues, but its origins are much more serious. It's the  day the Declaration of Independence was adopted in Philadelphia in  1776. It would take seven more years for the former colonies to become a country, but in 1783 the Treaty of Paris was signed and the United States of America had won its freedom. 

As the Marquis de Lafayette wrote: 

Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country.

Over a century ago my family found a new home, one without a state religion and with freedom of  speech and the press. It was a haven from the persecution they knew in Europe. It is the country of Liberty and my gratitude is boundless. 

Happy birthday, America and a toast to those who bravely signed the Declaration of Independence and pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and enjoy this great and sacred day.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Awesome post, to which I respond with a hearty AMEN! There is no doubt I love this land - God bless the USA!!

Lynda said...

Many prayers and very brave people founded this nation. I read of the early missionaries who prayed over the land and of course we know the history of its beginning. Stories of those who immigrated to escape religious persecution and even annihilation during wartimes are heart-wrenching. What we see in many parts of our beloved nation are not what it used to be for sure. However people continue to pray and we know HE is still in control! Very thankful for the blessings we do see daily.

Chatty Crone said...

I could not agree with you more. God Bless America. We are so blessed to have been born here!