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On Reade Street, Tribeca

Signs of children

I had a Wedding Wednesday post all ready for today. But after yesterday's school shooting, it seemed too frivolous and out of touch. 

For ten years during my working life my offices were in four different locations in Lower Manhattan. Even after my office moved to Queens in 2005 I was often at my agency's corporate headquarters on Broadway. In the early 1980's when I first started working downtown very few people lived in the area. As the years went by office buildings and loft buildings were converted to apartments and the neighborhood has become much more residential. Tribeca -- the area below Canal Street -- has become one of the most desirable places to live in New York City.

 Yesterday and today I was in Lower Manhattan for jury duty. One of the things that struck me as I walked from the subway to the courthouse were the number of children and parents I saw on the streets. At 9:00 a.m. the streets were filled with strollers on their way to preschools. There were signs for after school programs and stores with clothes for children. The streets were alive with children going to school. 

On the way home from school on Reade Street

When many people think of New York City they think of skyscrapers and Broadway theater. But for those of us who live here, New York is a city of hundreds of neighborhoods and literally over a million children. Just about everyone knows someone (or many) who work in a school or attend school. Among the six apartments on my floor there are four children and two of them are in fourth grade. 

As you know I make every effort to keep politics out of Buttercupland, but this isn't politics. My heart is broken and all I have left are my words. We can do better for the children we know and for those we've never met. Every child has the right to go to school in  the morning and come home to their grownups in the afternoon. That's not asking too much. 

As ever, my love and prayers from Heart-Broken Buttercup


Nellie said...

My heart is broken as well. Feeling such deep sadness.

It's me said...

So sad …praying for the family and children in your country love Ria 🙏🙏🙏

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I share the same thoughts, Carol, for everyone, children and adults. And, my heart is also very sad that these shooting incidents are becoming more commonplace. Like yourself, I generally keep posts that include current events, politics, religion to a very bare minimum, but this week did not. All some of us have to share are words.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Most of are heartbroken too. It's sad when children are no longer safe at school. It should be a place where they grow and learn and not get shot at. It is such a tragedy and like you, all remain in my prayers too.

Marcia said...

Lot of emotions today: sad, frustrated, angry, fed up, but also feeling so powerless to do anything about it. I own no guns never had. Never understood the attraction or the fear. Why can't we as a nation require a license and liability insurance as owning and driving a car require?

I can't imagine the grief those parents and that community are feeling today and for the years ahead. I really thought after Sandy Hook there would be a change but no. Republicans getting NRA money have blood on their hands.