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Where Are the Snows of Yesteryear?



My view looking north on Tuesday

I spent a fair amount of time Monday looking out of my kitchen window at the rapidly falling snow. It eventually left over sixteen inches of snow in my neighborhood and the city became a non-moving winter wonderland. During one of the many moments a phrase came into my thoughts. "Where are the snows of yesteryear?" Actually it drifted into my mind in French, reflecting the years I studied French from junior high school into college.  

Before I congratulate myself for my great recall, or anyone else congratulates me, I need to share that I had the author of the quote wrong and didn't realize that it's one of the great quotes in literature. I also didn't realize that reflecting on the "snows of yesteryear" would take me back sixty years and through a myriad of memories. 

A little blurry, but here are the snows of yesteryear. Somewhat more precisely, 
my backyard, circa winter, 1960.

This seems to be the only photograph of that particular snow day. There's no note, in either of my parent's handwriting, giving the date. The date would be nice, but what I'd really love to know is why they took this one photograph on that snowy day. We didn't take a lot of pictures in the 1950s and 1960s and generally photographs were reserved for formal occasions, which this clearly wasn't. Whatever the logic, I'm grateful this moment in time was preserved. We spent a lot of time as a family shoveling snow together, as well as raking leaves in the fall and this brings back those happy memories. 

Grateful for snow blowers and people who cleared curbs and sidewalks. After a day of walking in my building halls -- got to get those miles in -- I was out walking on Tuesday and yesterday. 

Sledding time

I wasn't the only one outside on Tuesday. There were sledders, people walking and dog walkers, too. I had plenty of company. 

Today the snow is receding into memory. It's forty degrees out and sunny. I've got a walk scheduled in a little while and I'm delighted, that while I'll still need books, I won't need my heaviest coat. The prediction for tomorrow is equally warm and I've got an outdoor coffee meetup with a friend on the schedule. What's on your schedule?

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cozy. 


Deanna Rabe said...

We've warmed up today, but more cold coming next week. I grew up in Southern California and we didn't have snow, unless we drove two hours to the mountains. I like the snow, mostly if the roads are clear, and my children loved playing in it when they were young. They built igloos, and paths and sledded and snow boarded down the hill here and the bigger hill behind my parents house.

Ginny Hartzler said...

So cool, New York on a snowy day! I just love it! And my favorite is the snow blower making a snow shower arc in the air. Talk about a perfect second in time preserved!

NanaDiana said...

Well, Mz Buttercup---the snows of yesteryear are here today. It is snowing so hard that it looks like fog outside--and no wind--just coming down hard and straight. Wind is coming later, I hear.
Great pictures!!!! xo Diana

Olde Dame Holly said...

In your backyard photo, it almost looks as if you have a box in your hands? I'm intrigued also as to the "why" behind that photo. In the days of film, most people carefully rationed their snapshots.

kestrel said...

Th pix of the lady with snow blown onto her by the snow blowing is a great shot taken at just the right moment. Have never seen snow falling or been to a place so deep in snow. Your memory pix is priceless, home a long time ago.

DeniseinVA said...

Enjoyed photos and post very much, especially enjoyed you in the snow. Thanks for the smiles. We only had about 3 inches of snow down here. I didn’t go out in it though. Lovely to meet up with your friend.

Theresa said...

I love looking at snow pictures! We seldom get snow here in the South so I will just have to enjoy yours:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Old pictures are so precious. Yes, pictures were only taken on special occasions or vacations and not like today when our phones can capture every moment of our lives. We have so many and although it is nice to have some of them, they don’t bring the same feeing as getting out old albums and reliving the past.

I love your New York snow pictures. Snow is lovely coming down and when it lays, but not as pretty after traffic and piled up in mounds.

Marcia said...

On the Friday, we are getting more snow. Up to 3 inches predicted on top of the 12 we got on Tuesday. For us it won't be melting any time soon. It's a new experience after being without snow in our former state of Maryland for what seemed like 5 years. Global warming has really changed the snow belt on the Atlantic coast.

Edna B said...

I remember how the city closed several side streets when it snowed so that us kids had little hills to go sledding safely on. They don't do that anymore. You have a fun visit with your friend, hugs, Edna B.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Beautiful photos of the snow and I enjoyed your memories. Brought back memories of my childhood and the snow we would get! Wishing you well!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Here we are frozen and the snow isn't melting. Thet sat ut;kk stay this way for a couple of weeks. Everything is in a deep freeze here. I'm glad you are warmer than we are.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While I know that many people do not enjoy a snowfall, I always have. Like your family we also did a lot of shoveling at my parents home, but never took any photos of those chores. I do have some home movies that my father took of my brother, myself and the family pet (a collie) romping in what was a very deep snowfall.