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And I Lived to Write This Blog Post, Part II

On November 29 I braved a trip to Macy's at 34th Street...and survived!

There were twenty-six days until Christmas and now it's December 26. I didn't see any Christmas trees at the curb today, which I usually do on December 26, but the tree stand down the street is gone and the aroma of pine is only memory. But it's still Christmas in New York in Buttercupland. I've got two other posts of Christmas sights in New York City to share before the end of the year and one post of holiday reflections. I hope you'll stop by for the lights and decorations. 

   Loved this jolly Santa in Macy's window

Herald Square Plaza reflected in the neon lights

Boy meets Santa Dog

I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with friends of long-standing. We had our traditional dinner out on Christmas Eve and I enjoyed window shopping and holiday lights in their neighborhood as we walked to and from the restaurant. Presents, brunch and afternoon dinner with gracious and fun friends. We settled in for movies at night and our viewing included Klaus, a new Christmas movie on Netflix. The movie's theme is that one act of love and kindness can influence an entire town. I have a feeling I will be seeing it again for years to come. Has anyone else seen it?

I appreciated all the kind good wishes to my last post and hope that all of Buttercupland enjoyed holiday celebrations that warmed their hearts. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and have a fabulous Friday. 


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Enjoyed seeing the decorations and reflections from NYC as there were none like those in Nashua, NH. I have never seen the Klaus movie, but we watched the Santa Claus trilogy on Christmas Eve.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

It sounds like you had a lovely holiday with friends. The New York store windows look wonderful. I will check out that movie on Netflix.

Karen said...

Glad you had a nice holiday in Brooklyn, I enjoyed your post and look forward to seeing more pics of NYC. My son has lived on Flatbush for only 5 months and he is learning how to getting around the city.

Sam I Am...... said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! LOve the decorations but I will have to go back and revisit your previous posts as I was busy "prepping" for the big day! I have not seen Laus but I will be watching it for sure now! Thank you for the recommendation.

Deanna Rabe said...

I watched Klaus and it was really good.

Susie said...

I hope I get to see this movie sometime. I always like to see "It's a Wonderful Life" every year. The first "Home Alone" still cracks me up. I have enjoyed seeing the holiday sights of NYC. Thank you so much for showing all of us what you get to see there. Blessings Carol, for a New Year of good health and joy. xoxo, Susie

Theresa said...

I love seeing all of the decorations! You are so fortunate to be able to live there and enjoy it all! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!


love all the neon colors. sounds like you had a marvelous christmas celebration. i'm glad the spirit of the season moved you. that movie seems nice. have a great weekend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

How wonderful to be able to see the holiday lights in New York!! I'm glad you had such a nice time. Did you actually shop at Macy's? I bet it is huge! I have been to our local one.

LC said...

Sounds like Klaus should be added to our annual line up of must-see Christmas movies. Enjoyed this post. Now on to the earlier one.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I always love the photos you share and hearing about holidays in the big city! I've not seen that movie but it sounds like one I would enjoy! Holiday hugs!

Visits With Mary said...

Christmas in New York must be a beautiful sight to see! Enjoyed your pictures, Happy New Year!

Lonni said...

Happy New Year Carol!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I was excited to see the beautiful clothes on your recent post. The coat looks cute on you and I love the trench coat. You have a really bad comment though....so I didn't want to comment under it. Hope you can delete it! I'll check back later! Hugs!

Christmas neon sign said...

A Christmas neon sign adds a delightful touch of holiday magic to any setting. These signs capture the festive spirit with their bright, cheerful colors and classic holiday motifs. They instantly infuse spaces with warmth and cheer, making them perfect for both homes and businesses during the holiday season. Whether it's a Santa Claus, a snowflake, or a simple "Merry Christmas" message, a Christmas neon sign radiates the joy of the season, spreading smiles and creating a welcoming and festive atmosphere that everyone can enjoy. It's a great way to make the holidays even more special.

Anonymous said...

Just heard the most beautiful Urdu Hindi Christmas Song of 2024 ..