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Manhattan Halloween

The corn maze of East 72nd Street
I started taking autumn/Halloween photographs about a month ago. It felt as though it was still summer, even though the calendar said it wasn't. I had a nice collection of pictures from different parts of New York City and was all set to display a variety of them in a post today. But on Monday I was riding on the bus on Madison Avenue and saw this extraordinary brownstone on East 72nd St. I exited the bus and made a detour to photograph this house. I nominate the corn maze house of the Upper East Side as my 2018 Halloween favorite.
 There are some fantastic Halloween decorations in Manhattan, but the careful attention to detail and the added bonus that every inch of this house was decorated, gave it first place. My neighbors on the next block also decorate extensively, but there are entire yards of their house without any decoration. This house is an A+ for complete decoration.
This is the view of the décor looking west. There's a combination of cemetery, skulls, ghouls and the corn maze. I doubt if I could have put so many Halloween motifs together. I'll be returning to East 72nd Street to see what their Christmas decorations look like and promise to post them.
 It's not all goblins and things that go bump in the night on the sidewalks of New York.
 I like this simple and pretty autumn look in a doorway a few blocks away. I especially like the array of bright autumn gourds and chrysanthemums. 
  One of my favorite neighborhood shop windows is Treat House, which I pass on my trips to the library. It's featured sweet is rice cereal treats and the decorations are beautiful. I passed a lot of pumpkin cookies during my walks around New York, and they were all enticing. But the food that captured my eye were here.

Tomorrow the leftover bags of candy will be half-price and the stores will become red and green overnight. Buttercupland observes the rule of waiting until after Thanksgiving to begin posting about Chanukah and Christmas and this year is no exception. I may break from the rule to post about several very talented friends for the annual Buttercupland Fair. The focus of the Fair are items made by my friends that are gift ideas for the season. Please let me know if you are a citizen of Buttercupland and are interested in being featured.

As ever, thanks for visiting and wishes for a bright November.


Chatty Crone said...

I love New York at Halloween time. Happy Halloween.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You really see some over the top decorations there! Thanks for sharing! Happy November!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Wow, that house had a fabulous display.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm going to miss the bright and cheerful Jack O Lanterns most of all. Glad to see that even in the big city folks still decorate for the holiday! It was a very wet and rainy Halloween here but It didn't stop some little trick or treaters going out. I don't decorate or anything until after Thanksgiving either, but spend November being thankful.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Amazing decor! I wonder how long it took. Do you think they did it themselves, or did they hire a company? I’m looking forward to their Christmas decor too!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Oh this looks like so much fun, I'm sure. I was recently in New England and stopped at every other house to admire the Halloween and Fall decorations. I love pumpkins they are so bright and cheery!
Wren x


love them.

Melinda said...

Fun stuff out there in NY!

Happy November to you!

M : )

Susie said...

Hi Carol, I am not into real scary things...a little of that goes a long way with me. Where do people put that much decorations? Hope you had a nice candy treat. Blessings, xoxo, Susie