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What to My Wondering Eyes...

This may look like an average hand wearing an average ring, but, my friends, this is a miracle. It's my hand and I am -- to my tremendous amazement -- wearing my high school ring. I think it's the first time in at least forty years that I've even thought of this ring, let alone worn it.

This afternoon I was looking for a pair of earrings in a little opened jewelry box. I didn't find the earrings I was looking for, but I did see my high school ring, class of 1968. I'm several sizes larger than I was in 1968 and I thought it was impossible that the ring would fit me. Nonetheless, I decided to try it on, if that was even possible. The ring went on and it also came off without a struggle. To my great surprise, it fit.

I don't remember when the rings arrived, but I do remember being so excited that I got to wear a high school ring, and I wore it throughout the rest of my high school years. My treasured ring got sent to the little used jewelry box when I got to college and got my college ring. I doubt if I wore even once after that.

Fifty years have passed since I graduated from high school and we will hold our reunion in October. Fifty years, all of my adult life. After all of the years, the people, the places and the experiences I'm back with my memories of high school and high school times and friends and it's sweeter than I ever could have imagined it would be fifty years ago.

Dear ring, it's nice to have you back, my old friend.


Sybil said...

That was some surprise Carol...may even be a surprise to see me commenting. HOWEVER yesterday Val explained to me how I could find my friends blogs.......and even blogs that I wrote all these years ago.....I'm not sure how to read your previous day's work but I will find out, if not its back to Val for help ! Hope all is well with you. It is still very hot here, no rain yet, each day we think it might come, but no, not in Box...we do really need it for gardens but except the hanging baskets and Potts everything else has to look after itself. Lyn came home Tuesday night so she is back on watering duty saving Val work !..take care dear friend. Xxx

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My own class ring only fits my pinky finger now. So I'm thinking you are very lucky to still be able to wear yours. It's funny how we so treasured getting and wearing that ring, only to store it away in a box. Enjoy your class reunion. How fast the years go by!

Linda said...

Congratulations!!! I never got a high school or college ring...my parents always thought it was a waste of money. Very pretty ring, Carol. smiles

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How neat! I took my charm bracelet out to look at it awhile back. My reunion is this fall too! Hugs!

Susie said...

Carol, you can wear your ring to the reunion . What a fun find. I never got a class ring. A few of my siblings did. Hope you are enjoying the summer. Blessings, xoxo, Susie


what dear sweet memories of your high school ring. so glad it fit.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I remember how important those rings were. I think we got them in the end of our Junior year so we proudly have them for our last year in high school. I sold mine years ago but my Retired Man still has his in a box in his drawer. He had better memories oh high school than I.

Enjoy your reunion.

Theresa said...

What a treasure AND IT STILL FITS! That is awesome! Enjoy your day and I know you are looking forward to your special reunion! HUGS!