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104.5 and No Longer Counting

I've captured my purple sneakers on the front porch of Wilder Hall, where I lived my sophomore year in college.
It's June 1 and the Mile A Day in May Challenge is over. My goal for May was to walk 84 miles, which puts me on track for 1000 miles in 2017. The weather was (mostly) good, I gave myself a push and I am very happy to report that my total is -- drum roll, please -- 104.5 miles. I'm delighted and I feel that I've gotten myself back on the exercise track, after being somewhat slack after breaking my shoulder in February. I'm aiming for 100 miles a month for the summer and fall and feel confident that I will walk over 1,000 miles this year.  
I know I've had lots of friends walking with me, both around the country and beyond the United States. If you've walked at least thirty-one miles in May, you are eligible for the giveaway. Entry is easy. Please leave a comment on this post any time in the next week (by midnight Thursday, June 8) and I will post the winner on Friday, June 9. The prize is a surprise, but I am strongly considering a book (or two).
The best prize for this Challenge is the benefit to our health. We were up, about and moving and by walking a mile every day, we cultivated a habit of exercise. Thank you all, near and not so near, for being my walking partners.
It's been a hectic few days since I've been back from Reunion. Today was the first day of BookExpo America and I am exhausted, but enjoying my day of books, authors, more books and more authors immensely. I'm back tomorrow at nine for another day of books and more books. I hope to be back tomorrow for a recap on some of my favorite moments.
As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care!


Jeannette said...

I did 31 miles in May with my kids. Thanks for the challenge!

Unknown said...

I did 110. 😊

Christel said...

I got 48.


congratulations to you and all who participated.

Joy Nissen said...

87.79 miles! You are so inspiring, Carol!

Lisa said...

Thank you for the challenge, Carol! I walked 73 miles in May. <3

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I walked 40 miles and started June with a walk at the Park! Congrats to everyone! I did a post on my blog too! Hugs, Diane

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I did 73 miles and hope to do better in June.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Congratulations...great job!

Anonymous said...

I did 77.51!!!!!

Karen said...

I did 93.26 miles in May!! There were a couple days where I just squeaked by with 1.02 and 1.03 miles!!

Susie said...

Carol, Congrats to you and all who are walking along with you. Oh I would so love to be in that group. I always try to keep moving. But I can not walk everyday or great distances. Blessings to you xoxo, Susie

Kerin said...

Yay! You did great !

We're still walking too, and we've stopped counting, though we are still striving for more and more miles each week.

Have a great rest of your weekend, dear friend.


Melinda said...

Around 90 for me.
Stopped counting for a bit but will
get back to counting soon.

M : )

Pam said...

Good job, Carol! Wish I had seen about this earlier and kept track of the miles I walked.
Looks like you had a fantastic time at your reunion! How fun!