"With malice toward none, with charity for all..."
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. This is the last paragraph of Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, given in March of 1865. In the eight years I've been blogging there have been less than a handful of critical comments out of thousands of comments. In a time of vitriol and rancor Buttercupland remains a place that is neither red or blue, a place where I hope there will be malice toward none and charity and friendship for all. I once thought of naming Buttercupland, Lilac Lane. I love lilacs and perhaps, prophetically it's the gentlest shade of red and blue together. This evening I toast the visitors to Buttercupland. Long may we stay an oasis of kindness and friendship. |
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

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This is why I asked how things were in Buttercupland. I'm glad you voted. I'm glad I voted. I'm glad that we love each other no matter what (and, therefore, do not talk about who we voted for).
The only thing going through my mind yesterday - after I discovered the results around 6:30 am having avoided all TV and radio on Tuesday - was 'it's the end of the world as we know it'. I was depressed most of the morning. Then, I figured I have survived worse and this too shall pass. Take care.
What a wonderful post. Blog land is an oasis for me too where good people abound. I'll be praying that we all remember it's united we stand.
{{{{Big Smiles}}} Beautiful Carol. smiles
I love Buttercupland so thank you. I agree with Tiffany, real friends do not talk about who they voted for.
I'm with you. I wish people would stop and take an actual look around. The hate should stop with the election's results. The decision is made. It's time for peace.
I hope we can heal as a country! A good leader will try to do that quickly! I love lilacs as well!
I watch no news or have I read a newspaper in a week. What I know upsets me so. Better to smell the Lilacs.
Hi Carol, Hope you are enjoying your Friday evening. I love lilacs. I hope your weekend will be very pleasant.
Buttercup, I like to stay neutral on my blog also. The world is hard enough to live in without being mean here. I am glad it's over with for 4 more years. All those protesters need to just get over it. None of us have been happy with every president elected. We just stand up for our country and pray for the best results. Blessings to you.
Well it certainly was a big week in America, may you have a gorgeous lilac Sunday Buttercup :)
Wren x
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