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TurnStyle Pink Saturday

For this week's Pink Saturday fun we're going to the subway. We're not riding the subway, but we're going to a new shopping area that opened last month at the 59th Street Station. Twenty years ago I worked in a building right above this station and I've spent a lot of time here. We're going to follow the arrows...

...through the station to the exit closest to West 57th Street.

And we arrive at TurnStyle, the just one month old underground food hall. I get off at this stop often and I know I'm going to have fun exploring all the little food shops. I first stopped by last Monday on the way to my eye doctor -- just two blocks away -- and didn't have time for coffee, but I'm thinking a some research on the best coffee in TurnStyle is in order. 

There are a number of other branches of Fika, a Swedish coffee chain, in New York City, but this one looks especially inviting.

If I decide to take a hiatus from pastry abstinence, I'm coming here to Doughnuttery. Yes, I love the name, but the little doughnuts were enticing, too. I spent some time watching the custom dipping that takes place in the store, pictured below. 

It just happens that tomorrow morning I'm due to return to the same station and will be exiting via TurnStyle for a trip to the allergist. I'm not a morning person, so I don't anticipate stopping on my way to my appointment, but I might take the subway on the way home in order to start my coffee sampling.

Here's to a week of coffee, doughnuts, books and fun! As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I do love the name Doughnuttery.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I've never been on a subway in my life, but would enjoy the doughnuts. Early morning outings are not my thing either. It's that time of year for allergies here. Hope you have a good trip and enjoy a treat on the way home!

Linda said...

{{{Big, Big Smiles}}} love the name Doughnuttery. Have a beautiful week ahead, Carol, regardless of the allergies, my friend.

Anonymous said...

What a fun looking place. I hope all goes well at the dr. and I look forward to a post about the coffee. By the way, the guy far left in the first photo looks a lot like Barry Gibb (Bee Gees) lol

Cranberry Morning said...

What fun shops! I hope the allergist can help you. For some people, springtime isn't nearly as enjoyable. :-( BTW, about the Lemon Oreos, I don't dare buy another package for the very same reason! LOL Have a wonderful day. I'd love to visit that coffee shop!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm having a good cup of coffee as I write. Oh, I would love to be there to try some of the coffee you are having! Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

Nellie said...

That would be very different for me - an underground food court! Hope all your appointments have had good results.

Theresa said...

Sounds perfect to me:) Have a blessed week and save me a doughnut! HUGS!


Love the doughnuts. looks like a great place to grab a snack.

Melinda said...

Looks like lots of fun!!

M :)

Susie said...

Carol, I do not know how you can stand to walk by so many food places...I guess you have a strong will power. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Mimi said...

Such fun to see what city life is about. We are in the midst of hay season here on the farm.