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This Year's Theme Is...A Search for the Best Coffee in New York City

I'm happy to be joining the A to Z Blogging Challenge for 2016. This year has a new (to me) innovation, the theme reveal. When I last participated in 2014 I remember saving revealing the actual theme until the end of the challenge, but instead of a big reveal, in blogs all around the world, today,  bloggers are revealing their themes.
I didn't participate last year because I was in Japan, but I'm home for all of April and happy to be part of this challenge. The goal is to blog every week day in alphabetical order, from A to Z. My last theme was New York City food and I had a lot of fun with it. But I didn't think of anything for this year until last week. I was walking with my friend Nancy and we passed one of the thousands of places serving coffee in New York. She commented that a mutual friend thinks that Coffee Shop A serves the best coffee in New York. I was intrigued by the idea and my challenge was born. I am in search of the best coffee in New York City.  
This will be by no means a scientific search. I will stop by a few favorites -- perhaps a return to Café Lalo for this beauty -- as well as try a number of new places. I may write about areas of the city, stores, restaurants and coffee serving locations. Friends in New York are happily invited on my coffee expeditions, and I'm eager for any and all recommendations. All opinions are mine and all are subjective. There will be no thermometers to measure temperature of the coffee or any other scientific criteria, just an enjoyment of the coffee.  I can't think of a better way to spend the spring days of April.
As ever, thanks for visiting and let's have another cup of coffee!


Terra said...

Oh what a brutal challenge tasting all that excellent coffee, ha ha. Have fun doing it.

Paula said...

What fun this will be!

betty said...

It is a cute theme; one I haven't seen before and you get to taste and experience lots of interesting delicious coffee!



An interesting endeavour to be sure.

Mimi said...

How much fun! Afraid that here on the farm the only coffee choice comes from my own pot. I'll enjoy your watching your coffee quest.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I can only imagine you have a wealth of places to sip coffee at there. The one pictured looks scrumptious. I've wondered how they get the pattern on the top. Hope you have a good cup of coffee this morning ! I'm enjoying mine.

Anonymous said...

Now that sounds like a TON of fun. I will join you . . . but from afar as you take us on your A to J journey. And doesn't April seem like a wonderful time to get out for coffee? Best wishes.

Theresa said...

Oh what a fun time, especially while having a cup of coffee... which I am:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Such a great challenge. I know you will love the adventure. Happy Spring.

Annesphamily said...

That sounds like a great challenge! Somedays I love coffee and others it is tea. I am catching another cold with this 60/30/70/20 degree weather we have had! A person can not stay healthy! I am getting ready to brew a cup of Mint Lemon Verbana tea with honey and a slice of lemon. Oh what fun you will have Carol! xo Anne

Ravyne said...

What a cool theme! Sounds like fun! I look forward to your posts ~Lori~

Lori's A2Zs @ As the Fates Would Have It & Promptly Written

Susie said...

Buttercup, I have always said..I may not know the best cup...but oh boy, I sure can tell a bad cup. The best coffee I have ever had was on a cruise ship and at the dinner theater in Indianapolis. I never order coffee anywhere I eat...yuck, you have to eat to not taste the coffee. LOL. I used to drive 30 miles for coffee beans to grind..that wonderful shop went out of business..now, I mix many brands to try to get the flavor I truly love. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

New York. I was there for two days.
Good to visit your site as a part of my A to Z visits. My theme Blog Promotion
Welcome to A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2016 - Co-Participant - Nrao - NRao Blogs 1109
NRao Blogs - 2016 A to Z Challenge Blog Posts
Management Theory Review

shortybear said...

sounds great.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Okay, I'm just hooked! I adore Buttercupland! What a great, fun theme! What a chore, though, having to sample all of that wonderful coffee, poor dear. ;)
Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

Melinda said...

Looking forward to your coffee adventure.

M :)

Melinda said...

It is me again.
Question---Do you know if it is too late to sign up for the challenge?
I could not figure it out and who do you sign up with"


M :)

Joy of Chiropractic said...

Oh goodie! I love my coffee and am coming for a visit next January so your help would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

A delightful idea! Oh how I love a good cup of coffee. Wishing you a wonderful Monday.

Unknown said...

Fellow caffeine addict here. Sounds like a very tasty theme. :)

Fangirl Stitches - Cross Stitch Alphabets
Travel like a Geek - A-Z Tour of Harry Potter Film Locations

Lori said...

Coffee in New York sounds as enticing as April in Paris. Looking forward going on the journey with you. Hope you can visit my theme - Women in the 1930s.

Cynthia said...

I look forward to seeing you share about your favorite NY coffee.

Janet said...

Sounds like fun! My husband used to work for a coffee factory and our daughter works for Starbucks. I'll be following your wanderings through New York!

Anonymous said...

I am obsessed with coffee. I will stop by for a fix! Good luck! Michelle
@ffmamacoach from
Fabulous Fit Mamas

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for sharing the post. I loved reading it!
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