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Valentine Pink Saturday

Sending bouquets...

And more bouquets...
And still more bouquets...
Of Happy Valentine Wishes!
The polar vortex has arrived, but I'm not letting the cold get in the way of warm Valentine wishes. I hope everyone on the Atlantic side of the country is keeping warm and our California friends are keeping cool.
As ever, thanks for visiting and have a Pretty in Pink Saturday and a wonderful Valentine's Day. 


Cranberry Morning said...

Oh thank you so much! This is just what I'm needing in this land of never-ending white and below-zero temps! They're beautiful. Happy Valentine's Day to you! xo

Linda said...

Beautiful, Buttercup!!! Thanks for the cheering up...hey--it's MINUS 25 here in western NY with blowing snow...not complaining...warm house and food in our bellies. Have a beautiful Valentines Day, my friend.

Melinda said...

Thanks for the flowers, you shouldn't have.

M : )

BLOGZOOM said...


Thanks for the beautful flowers!


Olde Dame Penniwig said...

What glorious flowers! What a treat to see them! Thank you! Stay warm - we ran the air conditioner today - it's a wacky winter for sure -

Pondside said...

Pink! You shouldn't have! Any flower is my favourite if it is pink!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the flowers! I have never received so many! Certainly brightens up my Valentine's Day morning! Still early and very dark here in snowy, cold, MN.

Mimi said...

Such lovely flowers. And so many! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.

I know we aren't as cold as some of your other readers, but our high temp today will be 36. For us, that's bitter cold. I'm spending my day by the fire.

It's me said...

Happy valentine's day ....love Ria x ❤️❤️❤️

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Happy Valentines Day, Carol. Those flowers are lovely and well priced also.

Susie said...

Oh Carol, Your flowers are way nicer than those I posted...more !! I love street vendors. This may be a greenhouse, not sure. So pretty. Yes, honey, we are getting snow this afternoon or evening ...maybe two inches...but I can't last what with temperatures suppose to rise in a couple days. Stay warm and safe. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Ann said...

Gorgeous glimpse of spring!!

Maggid said...

I sure hope some of these flowers made it to your home.
love & love,

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Carol, thank your for visiting and commenting on my blog. I think the best way to make a donation that will get directly to Sr. Vicky's work is to go through our foundation office. If you go to https://osfphila11564.thankyou4caring.org/donatenow, you can specify under "Other" that you would like it to go to Haiti-Sr. Vicky. We are working with the Sylvania Franciscans in Haiti because they already had a mission set up there. Thank you for considering a donation for them--and please continue your prayers for their work!