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Wishes for a Year of Light, Love and Peace

Apples and honey are the traditional way to start the new year

I'm in the midst of chopping, peeling and cooking for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which begins at sundown tonight. I'm the designated cook for tzimmes, another traditional food. This recipe is pretty close to my recipe, but I like to add apples and a white potato or two for a more varied. taste. I've got a lot of sweet potatoes peeled for dinner tomorrow. I'll be with friends I've known for not quite fifty years and their extended families, who have become my family, too, over the years.

I'm grateful for people I love to cook for and grateful for people I love to worship with. It's a blessing I don't take lightly.  I enjoy the liturgy and music of the holiday, but the services are long -- tomorrow is a four hour service -- and to be very honest, my attention can wander. I've found the best way for me to bring my focus back to prayer is to bring a prayer list with me. This year peace is at the top of the list, but there are many other items, small and large. I would be honored to add any requests you may have to my list. My blog friends are families, your health and well-being, are definitely something I am very grateful for. Please leave a comment or feel free to email me. 

I'm returning to my sweet potatoes. I'll pray while I chop and count the blessings of this year almost past and pray for peace, light and love in the year to come. Wishing you all a happy, healthy and sweet new year. 


Sr. Ann Marie said...

Blessings on you and your friends and family as you celebrate Rosh Hashanah!

Leslie said...

Happy New year!!! Tzimmies sound delicious!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm wishing you the very best and blessed year ahead. Would you please pray for the health of my family? Thank you so very much. I'll pray for you, too! Sweet hugs, Diane

From the Kitchen said...

Best of wishes to you in the new year.


Sola Scriptura said...

Happy new year to you! The tzimmes recipe looks delicious! I hope you have a wonderful celebration!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year.
Please pray for blogger Beth Marie @ Day by Day with Beth. Thank you.

Nellie said...

I send along wishes for a happy, healthy, and sweet new year as well.


Happy Rosh Hashanah. Enjoy your dinner.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Enjoy your time with your family/friends.And thank you for being so generous. Please pray for healing of all who need it.

Melinda said...

Happy New Year to you, I hope it is a good one!

M :)

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Carol! May this year bring you many new blessings!

xo Mary Jo

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Celebrations are wonderful and like you I love to cook when there are those I care for to feed. It is part of the celebration for sure. I too would add prayers for peace. Best of wishes to you for Happy New Year !

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Sharing food and traditions with family and friends is the best part of holidays. I wish you a very good New Year.

Theresa said...

Blessings to you dear friend! Enjoy your day, HUGS!

Stephanie said...

Sweet blessings to you, dear friend :) Much love being sent from me to you!

Susie said...

Carol, Wishing you many blessings for your new year. xoxo,Susie

Saleslady371 said...

Beautiful post. L 'Shanna Tova, Carol.

Pam said...

Have a great New Year and tzimmes sounds good!

Anonymous said...

Nice post I really enjoy it. If you wanna eat fast food then try Peri-Peri Guys which is all in all Fast food restaurant in Hicksville NY.