It was spring on Saturday...
And then it was back to winter
I've got no pictures of our return to winter yesterday -- a lot of rain for pictures -- but it was dreary, cold and winter coat weather. I guess I was overly excited last week when I wrote about spring and thought I wouldn't see my winter coat again. Ha!
It seems the relatively mild weather of the last few winters have erased my memories of what early spring days really feel like, which is winter. Once again, welcome to Fake Spring. I didn't plan to, but I've retrieved my gloves and scarf and even have boots on standby for possible snow tomorrow. Snow!
I'm surprised that Fake Spring still comes unexpected to me. I've lived through 70 winters that I can remember and 67 of them in New York City and New England. I remember snow in May in Connecticut and yet, I'm still surprised by a cold day in late March.
Yet, on reflection, I'm not really surprised. I get through the short, cold, dark days of winter and think that it doesn't bother me "that much." But once the days get longer and just a little warmer my entire mood shifts. Add in a few green shoots coming up and I'm a new person, practically humming while I walk down the street.
I just checked the weather and it's ten degrees warmer than yesterday and the sun is shining. The snow forecast seems to have drifted away and my mood has lifted. But I know that it's still Fake Spring and I will keep my gloves on call. I also know that one day, and that day is not that far away, it will be Real Spring. If Fake Spring is here can Real Spring be far behind?
On this almost Real Spring Tuesday, I'm off to the gym, the post office and coffee with a friend. What are your Tuesday plans today?
As ever, thanks for visiting and have a terrific Almost Spring Tuesday.
Have a good day.
We have had a few warm ones here, but today is a little chilly.
I live in GA, Carol, but we have those fake springs, too. I don't put away my winter gear until the forecast tells us it finally will be warming up. Now summer? Not fun here at all! Too hot, muggy and buggy for my taste. Your real spring will soon arrive. Blessings!
I live in Texas and it is definitely spring here. Warm days and green leaves appearing on trees, It almost feels like summer some days. I guess that's why I love Texas. Hang in there! Spring is sure to come!
Oh, that first lovely breath of spring fools us, doesn’t it? We probably have a bit of time before we will be able to say that spring is totally here.
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