It's time for the Tulip Festival at the West Side Community Garden
One of my post-working pleasures is my walk to Trader Joe's for groceries. About once a week I walk the little over half a mile walk to get groceries. On the way home I usually stop for coffee and then I spend some time at our neighborhood community garden. Sometimes I finish my coffee before I begin to worry that my frozen foods are melting and at other times I juggle a bag of groceries and my coffee and walk the remaining three blocks home. I needed the rest stop in February when I was just getting back to walking after my hip replacement and I took my first pictures of the season then.
That was not quite three months ago. The first little shoots that thrilled me are long gone. My gloves and hat are tucked away and soon my coffee will definitely be iced, with a double portion of ice. Now it's a glorious time of the year, time for the tulip festival. I made my grocery trip on Friday and the tulips were in bloom at their peak, in just about every color imaginable. It wasn't a sunny day, but the rain held off for my walk home and my coffee time enjoying the tulips. They were so beautiful that it was difficult to leave. It was only the thought of my defrosting foods that sent me home.

Behind the scenes at tulip time
I spent some time chatting with one of the volunteer gardeners as she trimmed and weeded. It felt like a behind the scenes look at what goes into keeping the garden the oasis of beauty that it is.
It's not for lack of thinking of Buttercupland that I haven't posted, but I've been making up for the quiet winter of recovery. It's all been great, but I've truly been running around. I spent the early part of the week visiting in Vermont and then catching up with errands, Weight Watchers and gym time when I got back to New York. This weekend was a wonderful theater whirl with my fifth grade friend, Lonni. We enjoyed the revival of "Kiss Me Kate" very much. It's been all fun, but once again I realize I don't quite have the energy I had even five years ago. How can that be? I don't feel any older, but my body doesn't always cooperate with everything I'd like to do. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.
With this note of reflection, I say good night and sweet dreams. Not quite as many plans for tomorrow, but I am joining gym friends for my first Aqua Aerobics class and I need my energy sleep. As always thanks for visiting and have a great week.
Thanks for sharing such lovely spring blooms :)
Love, love T.J's. and will miss them very much when we move, even though currently it is 1.5 hr. drive for us to get to the closest T.J.'s.
Enjoy this lovely season!
Most of us over 60 can also say that we aren’t the same person we were five years ago. Physical endurance changes. However, that doesn’t mean we still can’t have fun. I know that you are one of those people who will continue to look for the lovely things in life.
So gorgeous!
I would want to sit there a lot. What a glorious garden. You will enjoy your water aerobics class. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
I enjoy to have a look your beautiful tulips.... I love yellow ones.
Have a wonderful spring
I love tulips but don't have any:( They don't last very long but are SO beautiful when they are blooming! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!
I do notice that decline in energy that you mention, every year but thankful to keep pushing. I love the tulip garden and that you walk that way, you have done really well, you get a gold star.
Aren't tulips beautiful.
I enjoyed seeing your photographs, thank you.
All the best Jan
Tulip time is a happy time indeed. I can just picture you here in the garden, coffee in hand, frozen peas in the bag, chatting to the gardeners! Great that you have kept this up even post surgery, you can give yourself a massive pat on the back for this! I have just come back from my Fitcation and rejoiced in all my body could do, even though I am not the fittest nor fastest, I decided just being there was an achievement!
Wren x
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