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Not Quite Sweater Weather


Yesterday in Central Park

In my head -- does anyone else draft posts in their thoughts? -- I was "working" on a post about the joys of autumn. And for a few days it was autumn in New York. My flip flops were put away. I had switched to heavier socks and I was sure it was goodbye to shorts and t-shirts. I hadn't quite gotten my gloves out, but we were only a few degrees away. 

Yesterday, however, I was in Central Park to participate in the annual walk for CaringKind, a wonderful local organization that supports caregivers for people with Alzheimer's. It was a little nippy when I left for the park, but by the time I'd done some walking, my jacket was in my tote bag. Today was definitely a no jacket day and the forecast for tomorrow is 80+ degrees. I may even get my shorts out for one last hurrah, before it really is sweater or even coat weather. 

Love the autumn color and this statue of Beethoven in Central Park  

I'm off on my last scheduled travel adventure for 2024 on Thursday. I'm not saying that I won't be out of town again this year, but nothing's scheduled and there's lots I want to do in New York City. I've loved all of the travel of the last few months, but catching up with New York life -- the Metropolitan Museum of Art is calling -- including spending time with visitors,  blogging  and enjoying fall and holiday events is exciting, too. What are things you're looking forward to for the next few months?

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care. 


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