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Halfway to Spending July

Alas, the Star Wars Oreos did not come home with me --
But I was tempted!

It's still June and that means it's still No-Spending June. I stopped into Target today to buy cottage cheese -- their own brand is great and at least a dollar less expensive than anywhere else -- and alas, there was no cottage cheese. I decided to see if there was any quick grocery item I needed and I spotted the Star Wars Oreos in a giant display. Technically all food items are permitted in my own No-Spending rules, but by no stretch of the imagination could I justify buying these cookies, which are barely food. That said, I'd like to try them. I'm pretty sure it would just be another Oreo with more fun packaging. Has anyone tried them? Are they better than non-Star Wars Oreos?

I'm pleased with my lack of spending in June. I've bought food, airline tickets and one greeting card for $4.95. The card was totally irresistible and I have no regrets. I'm keeping a list of things I'd like to buy in July and a lip gloss tops the list, with another short sleeved t-shirt as the second item on my July shopping list, though the latter is only a "want."  Somewhat amazingly, I have used up every lip gloss/lipstick that I could find anywhere in my apartment. I thought there must be at least half a dozen, lurking in makeup and travel bags. It's the only "thing" that I need and my lipstick/gloss need is actually pretty dubious. I am getting by with Chapstick, and will continue to get by until July 1, but I am missing the lip gloss that I so took for granted. I'm reasonably sure that I will  buy a lip gloss on July 1 and will much more appreciate having it.  

New York is about to join the rest of the country in a massive heat wave and I'm figuring out how to amend my schedule to accommodate the predicted 100 degree heat index days. I'm going for more reading, more water and a few more trips to the Metropolitan Museum, where I can  walk comfortably in air conditioning and enjoy the surroundings. What is your hot weather go-to?

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cool!


Laurie said...

No Spend June? I must have missed that. It sounds like a great idea. Perhaps I'll join in next year (I've already bought things this June.)

I do plan on getting some reading done. I have a book I need to finish today (due back at the library tomorrow). I also need to do some meal planning for the week and of course, the grocery shopping that goes along with it. We have tickets to attend the Traveler's Golf Tournament (remember the GHO?) on Friday despite the predicted heat and humidity. I won't be playing, just watching.

Stay cool.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We are working inside to declutter and clean while it's too hot to hike! I don't eat sugar but I like the packaging of those cookies!

Chatty Crone said...

We are in that darn heat wave too! Too hot.
I am so proud of you and your shopping.
We did buy the Oreo's - for the kids (older lol) and that thought it was so great. So far, we got the blue. YEAH.
Where are you going next.

Do you remember the bear you sent me for breast cancer - I still have it - it has been ten years - thanks again. I am grateful.

Marcia said...

We are getting that heat wave to here in NH. Thought of you Sunday when I saw all the tents up for reunions at Dartmouth. Daughter's 20th was celebrated but she forgo signing and up and paying the huge price and instead met up with the family of her freshman roommate on Saturday evening. They enjoyed the free activities for kids.

Lynda said...

I have reduced my spending at Wal-Mart by ordering online and having it delivered. I go there about once a month to stock up on non-food or non-perishable food items that have not been on sale anywhere. It has truly saved me not being tempted to impulse buy things. Each week, of course, we check the sale papers for two of our favorite grocery stores.
We stay inside as much as possible during the hot weather. Yardwork is in the earlier morning hours. We try to do grocery shopping in the morning or later evening. Fortunately we have a treadmill and an elliptical in our home. Hooray for a basement and a large add-on room upstairs. We are truly blessed.
A lot of our no-spending happens because we have HAD to spend on items like the removal of three trees! Ouch to the pocketbook!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Good for you in resisting that Oreo cookie buy, Carol. But, whether or not to buy lip gloss in July may be another spending or not decision to make. As Marcia commented, the heat wave is in New England as well and thankfully I can still do walking but indoors on the gym treadmill. We did get out to do some shopping earlier today then it was back home to the AC and no cooking dinner of store bought rotissiere chicken and salad. Going to the Met sounds like a wonderful way to keep cool and get in some steps, so i am a bit envious, Carol!

Little Wandering Wren said...

I hope you can stay cool Carol - We are in the South of France and the weather has been just perfect. Don't tell Mr Wren about no spending in June, he is chuffed that our airline only allows us 20kg and tells me that I mustn't buy anything!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Carol. I hope that you are staying cool in all the heat. I think it's so neat that your favorite "cool off" spot is the Met! Your "no spend" months always inspire me to do better with unplanned purchases. Yep, those Star Wars oreos would have tempted me too! It's hot here in Utah too, but the low humidity makes it all a bit more bearable. See you again soon!