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I'm Running Out of Steam

Blue Skies over Manhattan 

Despite the title, this isn't good-bye to blogging. I like having a blog and I like my blog friends. Sometimes I even like posting. Just not lately it seems. 

I've got three half-finished blog drafts that I keep thinking I will finish, But whenever I sit down at the computer I'm distracted and I'm searching out a dozen topics/reading email/looking at Facebook. I'm not sure what's going on, but I know I don't want it to last indefinitely. I don't want to leave the blog community and I definitely don't want to be remembered as someone who used to blog.    

With some thought on what's going on, I'm overthinking my posts. Right now I'm trying to do posts with too many links and too many pictures and I'm getting myself stuck. Anyone else get into a rut? 

My solution is to focus on posting once a week, without trying to write a post that could double as an article for the New York Times. There will be a catch up on No-Spending June and a post for the first six months of walking for 2024. There will also be a post for Pep's Thirtieth birthday next month. 

Buttercup may not be here as often, but Buttercup is here to stay. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cool! 


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Buttercup. I always enjoy your posts both on your blog and on Facebook, although I don't always comment. Glad you aren't giving up blogging altogether. I be back to read whatever you post, whenever you post it. See you again soon!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Carol, I suspect that many bloggers have similar feelings from time to time, myself included. It always amazes me that many manage to post on a daily basis, which admittedly we did years ago. Many of my posts can get rather detailed and longish based on things i’ve seen or places visited as these interested me and led me to learn more…and then share online. For myself, blogging is much more interesting than other social media, perhaps because it’s my only one. We’ve been fortunate to meet a few fellow bloggers over the years and even all those may never meet have become long-time friends. There are so many interesting blogging folks, yourself included. Hope that you remain part of the community, no matter how infrequently you post. Life can sometimes “get in the way” and that’s OK.

Susan L. said...

I’m in the “used to” category and that is OK! Someday I will be gone but that digital footprint remains../even if it hasn’t been updated in 12 years….

Mevely317 said...

Whew! I'm relieved to know this is just a 'season' and not a finale.

Distraction is Real! I puzzle over my own (inexplicable) reluctance to read -- but suspect most of my focus has been on social media, leaving little room for favorite authors.
I hope you enjoy a wonderful new week!

Lynda said...

It is fine for you to take a break. We understand completely. Keep in mind when you start back up that you show us a part of the world that most of us don't see. We like the pics you send that are ordinary daily views for you but not for those of us not near NYC or that have a desire to live in a city.
My mom lived in Albany as I have told you. We were fascinated by the fact that her building had a trash chute in the hallway. She never had to take the trash to the road for garbage truck pick-up or go to the landfill - - - or a community dumpster. Of course the NYC window displays are always interesting as are your views of the skyline on your walks.
Will you be able to see fireworks from your home? Enjoy your little break and stay cool, Friend!

Laurie said...

Carol, I love reading your blogs whenever they are posted. Just like my personal journaling, I write when I have something I need to express. Carry on my friend. I'll be here to read what you post.

Chatty Crone said...

Carol I am doing the exact same thing - making it more reasonable! :)

Jeanie said...

It won't last forever. We all have spurts and downtimes. And they don't have to be long posts, either. I remember one Paris blogger I used to follow who posted one photo every time. Sometimes there was BRIEF commentary, sometimes, just ID. I didn't care. It was lovely work and that was what mattered. Others who go up every month or so. Your blog. You do you!