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Sunday Across the Park


A new perspective on the Temple of Dendur at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

I was a little wary about keeping engaged during the next few months. I didn't think I'd be twiddling my thumbs, but I also didn't think there would be much going on out of the ordinary. I was so wrong.

I belong to a neighborhood group on Facebook and a couple of weeks ago noticed a one-hour photography class scheduled for today. The format was a guided walk through the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The class was cellphone camera friendly, convenient, inexpensive and the time was perfect. I've been intimidated by the thought of a photography class. I was concerned that my classmates would be much more talented and the instructor would be overly critical. 

I was very pleasantly disappointed. My lone classmate was my friend, Mary, and the instructor, Mindy, could not have been more supportive and helpful. In a much too quick hour I learned about a dozen things I can do to improve the quality of my photographs. My head was buzzing -- in a good way -- by the end of the session. 

My perspective on a Queen of Egypt

Light and Shadow in the Asian Galleries

The photography school offers a number of other classes and even photography trips. The one in September to Italy is especially intriguing. I know I'll be taking another class (or two!), but before I sign up I'm going to think carefully on what will be the best next step in my photography journey. I'm also going to practice the things we learned today to become more adept.

Even January, the slowest month, is racing by. I had a visit from my dear friend K, this weekend and happily she'll be returning next week. There's a get-together with a London friend and then friends from Massachusetts and California will be in town. I know I'm going to blink and then it will be February. 

As ever, thanks for visiting. Keep cozy and stay safe in the Polar Vortex.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Carol! That photography class sounds neat. The pictures you took are great. I would love to go to that museum some day. What an awesome place. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

Lynda said...

I am so glad you got to take that class. Years ago I took a photography class at the local community college. I found out I had a decent camera but not a professional one where you can change focus and stops, etc.
I figured out that I did not want to learn all that stuff with a more expensive camera. I would never get a picture taken by the time I figured those things out. Plus they said the best camera you have is the one that is available. We are blessed with the quality of photos captured by our phones. However the best thing I learned was about editing a picture - - cutting out all the unnecessary stuff on the sides. What is your focus or your subject and learn how to highlight that. I love that you lead an active and interesting life. Many retired persons do not.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a wonderful photo opportunity and at one of my favorite places when I did live closer to and visited NYC! That cell phone class sounded wonderful as do the other opportunities you mentioned, especially Italy in Sept as we visited Amalfi last year during that month and it was wonderful. Our group was through a local wine store owner, so that was the focus. I would much have preferred a photo group, myself. Do keep us posted in the future.

It sound like you have some wonderful visits to look forward to as well and that is always a good start to a new year. Thanks, as well for the visit to my blog and your comments, al;ways much appreciated.

Carol said...

The photography class sounds like a lot of fun. I love your perspective on the Egyptian queen.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I always like the pictures you take, but there is nothing wrong with learning something new. It sound like a class that is making you an even better phograher!

NanaDiana said...

What a wonderful opportunity to take a class like that. Lucky girl! I, too, find the month flying by...where does life go?! xo Diana

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful. Those are great photos. K