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It's snowing!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled content -- National Bagel Day -- to announce that it's snowing in New York City and for the first time in over 700 days it appears to be sticking. 

I am not a fan of snow and haven't been for at least 60 years. I loved it when I was in elementary school, but after that my love of snow waned and withered. I love it in movies and when the first clean snow covers the city, but I don't love it as it freezes on sidewalks and turns to grey slush. That said, I confess that I've missed snow. I never imagined that New York could go almost two years without at least an inch of snow, but here we are, or were. 

Let's return to our annual celebration of National Bagel Day.   

The bagel originated in Poland -- first written record in the Seventeenth century -- and came to the United States with Eastern European immigrants at the end of the Nineteenth Century. But it was mass production and automation that sent bagels to supermarkets all over the world and made them a breakfast staple.  

I'm very fortunate to have a bagel store a few blocks from home (where this photo was taken) and I'm a semi-regular visitor. My favorite kinds of bagels are sesame and cinnamon raisin. Does anyone else have a favorite bagel? Butter or cream cheese? 

This is not a(nother) lamp post, but since there has been interest in my new lamp I am including a photograph. I'm loving having more light and it was definitely money well spent. 

As semi-excited as I am about our snow, I realize that's it not so exciting in many parts of the country and the conditions are freezing and dangerous. Take care, friends, and stay safe. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cozy. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy Bagel Day! They all look delicious! I love the lamp! I hope you get exactly as much snow as you want and not a flake more. See you again soon!

Lynda said...

Your lamp is beautiful! It was definitely worth the time it took to research it.
Our snow is frozen to ice now and won't melt before possibly Thursday. Half of our city got it - - us on the northern half - - and half didn't. It reminds me of when we moved here in '96.

Sandi said...

What a beautiful lamp!

I am watching carbs so I have to run screaming from those delicious looking bagels.

Laurie said...

Right now, we're getting just the right amount of the right kind of snow. Light and fluffy, and less than an inch on the ground so far. I love watching the snow fall; it's so relaxing to me.
I suppose I can feel this way about snow since I don't have to go out if I don't want to (the beauty of retirement). This is the kind of day I can sit back with a cup of tea and a book or my knitting (must get back to my knitting) and just enjoy the show outdoors.

Jeanie said...

We all love it when we're kids and in the movie. When you live in Michigan as an adult, you either love it (that's Rick) or hate it (that's me). The best thing about it -- it melts! However, the cold is absolutely brutal!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm not a fan of snow either. The only time I like to see it is a Chstmas, after that it can just stay away. I don't like to drive on it or walk in it either. I'm afraid I might hit an icy patch and slide. On the news this morning, they said there were a lot of slippery roads and accidents everywhere here. It is so cold the road crews are having a hard time making the roads safe for us. I spend a lot of time at home these days. I do love bagels and cream cheese. I usually have Philadelphia Cream Cheese. I have seem much variety offered. Keep warm and safe!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That's a very beautiful lamp. I noticed in one of the comments someone mentioned you had to research it, and am curious, does it have a special feature or is it just a beautiful lamp?
I love the picture at the top of your post of the snow coming down, and as for bagels, my favorites are plain or onion with cream cheese.

Mevely317 said...

We were just watching the weather coverage from NYC ... brrr! Your new lamp is lovely; I've never seen anything like that before.

Until I moved to Florida in '88 I'd never tasted a bagel. I don't crave them, but wouldn't turn down an "everything."

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Carol, Yes to snow and we had a snow day here in Nashua, NH, with less than 3 inches for a nearly all day lightly falling snow. I also like cinnamon raisin bagels and cream cheese wins out over butter. Thanks for the lamp update. It looks very nice and glad it fulfilled the purpose for you.

Marcia said...

We are in a deficit of about 10 inches in snowfall here in NH. We had snow all day today and it's beautiful. I didn't venture out at all but enjoyed it from my many windows.

NanaDiana said...

Happy Bagels! My hubby loves them and I try to not eat them....gluten kills me. NY makes THE BEST bagels, in my humble opinion! xo Diana

Theresa said...

I saw that you were getting snow, SO pretty. I love bagels, cinnamon raisin my fave! Enjoy your day dear friend, stay safe and warm! HUGS!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

ah yes, New York finally gets some snow. Yay! We certainly had some here in Portland, Oregon too and then came the ice!